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About Mintyfreshness23

I want to be Nurse in the military. I'm currently doing a career change from a Systems Engineer in the IT Field to the healthcare field and studying to become a nurse.

Latest Activity

  1. ACLS PALS ECG Package: Northern California?

    Hi! I'm in Northern California. I offer BLS, ACLS, PALS AHA courses both for initial and renewal certifications. Less stress with more success! I do individual and group courses. I will match any...
  2. I found it useful to keep my resume updated with my AHA BLS/CPR, ACLS, PALS, and NRP certification. Any other certifications that anyone else recommends in their resume that they feel was useful for...
  3. Hi RlBrown, Mine is hypertension, and something with my shoulder that they saw as something to get a disability for. Mine total is 30%. When is your BSN grad
  4. Hi Dana! Thank you for the response about my disability concerns and the military. I like the DMAT type of job where you can be deployed to natural disasters area and help out in that specific field....
  5. Navy NCP Applicants: Graduating class of 2015

    Hello Everyone! I am currently in the ADN program at my local Junior College and also taking classes for the Accelerated BSN with the anticipated graduation date of May 2015. I am a prior enlisted...
  6. 2013 Army Reserve ROTC Scholarship

    I think you made a wise move m4rk! Congrats and good
  7. 2013 Army Reserve ROTC Scholarship

    LunahRN makes a good point. I would take the scholarship too. I just want to be part of the military again but as an officer. I'll be happy to get into any military branch as a
  8. 2013 Army Reserve ROTC Scholarship

    Hi m4rk! I am currently in nursing school and I have been looking at my options as well to be commissioned as soon as I finish with school. I have close to one year left in my ADN program and will...
  9. Napa ADN Fall 2012

    I think they need a course ID for that. I could be wrong, but I think our instructor has to provide us the Course ID if it's
  10. My NCLEX experience!

    Inspirational! Thank
  11. Napa ADN Fall 2012

    chartreuse16 I'll email you... check your
  12. Napa ADN Fall 2012

    I went the traditional way and purchased the textbooks. The good thing is that the e-books are also included in the purchase for the
  13. Napa ADN Fall 2012

    Thank you for the textbook info. I think I might go the traditional book purchase, but then again, it is very convenient to have the text on a computer, ipad,
  14. Napa ADN Fall 2012

    I went to the bookstore Friday and they said that it will not be available until late July to early August. Let me know if you hear anything
  15. Napa ADN Fall 2012

    FYI....The Syllabus for Fall 2012 is available now to download. Anyone know if they are selling the textbooks