mmc51264 BSN, MSN, RN

orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes

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About mmc51264

mmc51264 has 13 years experience as a BSN, MSN, RN and specializes in orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes.

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  1. mmc51264

    I need your advice/opinion desperately

    So sorry you feel the way you do, but you really need to try and not let this kind of stuff get to you. People lash out at us all the time! It's hard not to take it personally and I find it hard to...
  2. mmc51264

    Nursing jobs for people over 60

    I turned 60 last year. I work bedside ortho. I was thinking of wound care. I never thought I would but it seems I am the "go to" person for lots of things. I have a new jon and most of the staff has...
  3. mmc51264

    Neurosurgery Floor?

    TBI pts can be especially trying as they can be on the verge of "normal" or not and they are sometimes aware enough to know that something is wrong but they can't figure it out. I was on a trauma unit...
  4. mmc51264

    Confused between two job choices

    I love my 3-12s. That gave me 4 days with my kids and now dogs. My husband has always been very involved so it worked really well with our schedules. Plus I make more $$$ doing bedside. That's...
  5. mmc51264

    NICU RN in trouble in VA

    I didn't realize this was an HCA hosp!! I hope they lose their shirts and have to close up. I feel sorry for people that this kind of hospital is their only choice
  6. mmc51264

    NICU RN in trouble in VA

    I am looking for legit sources to read about the nurse (and the hospital) that is in trouble for allegedly harming NICU babies. What have y'all
  7. Maybe you can make an appt with the manager so that you can have the manager let you
  8. mmc51264

    Hospital Patient Care

    Wow! That's awesome. What is the nurse ratio? I have new job and we actually have some aides and most of them are amazing. Our pt ratio is usually 4:1 Aides are 10:1, At my old job we were lucky to...
  9. mmc51264

    Hospital Patient Care

    I am so sorry that happened to you! I work on an ortho floor and while we don't get a ton of spine pts,, all pts should be repositioned, bathed, ADLs offered. That's unforgivable. Last time I...
  10. I worked in a ST rehab as my first job, mostly ortho. With the total joints not coming up to the units, there aren't as many adm/discharges. When we used to do that, all ankles were done on Fridays...
  11. mmc51264

    Can chart audits be a HIPAA violation?

    Not a HIPAA violation. I used to do a lot of hypoglycemic audits at my last job and there was a pop-up about the chart and one of the options was "chart review" Same for doing CAUTI prevention
  12. I am an ortho RN. For 12 years now and I LOVE it. Since Covid, it's changed a lot. The total joints are barely admitted anymore. LOTS of falls with hip fractures. Not so different than med/surg...
  13. mmc51264

    New Joint Commission reqs??

    I just changed jobs. Previously, I was at a Magnet teaching hosp. I am an ortho certified RN and my old hosp is JC certified for Total Joint Replacements (I was there 12 years and went through 3...
  14. mmc51264

    Modified Self Schedule

    I don't work nights, but I have been a weekend option nurse for over 10 years. Just recently had to change my schedule a little because of some knee issues, but I worked F/S/S forever it seems! Now I...
  15. mmc51264

    Hidden camera, what would you do?

    At my old hospital, it was forbidden and if a person was filming us, we had to get admin involved. They would also tell family that visiting is a privilege, not a right and that they could lose their...