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All Content by sch1109

  1. Pregnant during nursing school?

    Just my 2 cents but I would wait. When I was taking my pre reqs, I found out I was pregnant right after classes started. I spent my entire pregnancy working and taking AP I and II, Microbiology and Chemistry and it was really tough. I can't even imag...
  2. Failed Math on TEAS

    You should try purchasing the study guide and going over the math problems over and over again. What's in the study guide is very similar to what's on the TEAS so for me it was a HUGE help. If I hadn't studied with the study guide and had just gone...
  3. Who is in a night program?

    Hi everyone! I need help deciding if a night program is the way to go for me. I am married and a stay at home mom of a one year old. The day program at the school I'm applying to is Mon-Frid with two clinicals during the week. The night program is 6:...
  4. Who is in a night program?

    I think was one of my biggest concerns. In case my daughter gets sick during the day I would have absolutely no one to watch her. On the other hand, if I were going to school nights and she got sick her dad would be home and grandma wouldn't be too ...
  5. Who is in a night program?

    Thanks everyone! This has all been really helpful. I talked to my husband and I think we're leaning toward the night program. I'm going to miss spending time with my husband in the evenings and tucking my daughter in for bed but we are just going t...
  6. NYC Nursing and Student Debt!

    I think a lot of states have programs were hospitals will pay your entire tuition if you agree to work for them for 2-3 years so you should definitely look into it. I'm in Texas and the program I'm applying to has this option so I will be applying fo...
  7. I took the TEAS V also and I got a 77% overall. At first I though that was just horrible since I would see most people score 85% or above on the TEAS version 3/4, but when I looked at the statistics I was in the 90th percentile for the national aver...
  8. I've taken AP I an II back to back during summer (1st and 2nd session of summer) and it was really tough for me. I'm not sure what your situation is, but at that time I was working a full time job and the day before classes started I found out that I...