Who is in a night program?


Hi everyone! I need help deciding if a night program is the way to go for me. I am married and a stay at home mom of a one year old. The day program at the school I'm applying to is Mon-Frid with two clinicals during the week. The night program is 6:30 to 10ish (I think) with a 12 hour clinical every Saturday.

My problem with the day program is that we would have to put my daughter in daycare which means money would be really tight plus I would have to find a flexible daycare with early hours for clinical days and backup plans in case she gets sick. On the plus side, I'd get to spend weekends and evenings at home with my family and have time to study when my daughter goes to sleep.

With the night program, my husband would be home from work and would be able to care for my daughter at night and I have plenty of family who would be willing to help him out in the evenings and on the Saturday clinical days but I'm just afraid we would never get to see each other. Plus I'm afraid of how much studying I'd actually be able to get done while I watched my daughter during the day.

I keep going back and forth and can't seem to make a decision so if anyone has any experience on this or advice, I would love to hear it!


Specializes in Cardiac, Rehab.


I am in a nights/weekens program that I started in January this year. For me, it was the only venue that would work since I did not want to quit my full time job in this economy to go back to school for two years.

I'm on the older side and the kids are out of the house, but there are many young mothers in my class that do deal with having kids and husbands. In some ways thats probably better than with kids and no husbands and there are a couple of those moms too. I'm not sure how they do it, but they do seem to manage. One of the things they stress on everybody coming in (both days and nights) is that you can't get through the program with out support from your family.

As to which program to go into, that is something that you have to decide. Just about everyone in my class is there because they cant afford to quit a day job and pay for school and live a decent life. Going days is shorter, in my program its a year shorter. But whether you are going days or nights, you will have plenty of studying to do at home and that is going to interfere in either case. You just have to accept the fact you will have less time with family while you are in school and they will have to help you through it. I would think it would best be decided by both you and your hubby. Good Luck in school. I'm having a blast. :D

Go with the night program. I am a mother of 4 children. I can tell you that I dont find nursing school all that hard, but childcare is my worst nightmare. I have 4 children and just getting the childcare to fill the gap between when I leave and my husband comes hmoe has been so hard. Add that to people getting sick and it gets crazy. If your husband can be home before you need tp leave that is 100% the way to go!

I am currently doing prereqs evenings and weekends and working part time evenings and weekends. This way my kids are home with me during the day and with their dad at night. I will be in nursing school evenings and weekends, too, but quitting my part time job. It takes some getting used to, and I really treasure the evenings I am home. Once I become a nurse I will still need to be working evening and weekend shifts. It was actually one of the reasons nursing made so much sense to me, as nurses are needed 24/7. Once my kids are much older, I hope to work a normal daytime schedule, but we homeschool for now so I need to work around that.

I have 4 kids and I may be applying to the part time program, which is evening and weekends, specifically for the reasons other parents have given: if your child is home sick, you probably won't have to miss a clinical b/c your spouse may be home from work at that time, child care is expensive, and for me, another one to add b/c I have 4 kids ages 2, 7,8, and 11, is for the children old enough to catch the bus themselves in the morning, what do I do if I am at clinical and they miss the bus?

My oldest should be old enough to cover evenings if my husband is out of town, if they are rare and occasional. He would be 13, or almost 13, when I start the PT program if I were to get in.

I think the hardest thing is the late nights combined with really early mornings for the kids (I will be getting up by 5am) but I bet you get used to them. Having school aged kids (mostly) my plan would be to get studying done during the day along with any prep to make the evenings go more smoothly without me.

im in an evening program as well, same reason as most stated..could not leave my day job...honestly the evening weekend program isnt bad all, especially if you dont work a full time job!

Thanks everyone! This has all been really helpful. I talked to my husband and I think we're leaning toward the night program. I'm going to miss spending time with my husband in the evenings and tucking my daughter in for bed but we are just going to keep reminding each other that it's only temporary and to look at the bigger picture :)

Go with the night program. I am a mother of 4 children. I can tell you that I dont find nursing school all that hard, but childcare is my worst nightmare. I have 4 children and just getting the childcare to fill the gap between when I leave and my husband comes hmoe has been so hard. Add that to people getting sick and it gets crazy. If your husband can be home before you need tp leave that is 100% the way to go!

I think was one of my biggest concerns. In case my daughter gets sick during the day I would have absolutely no one to watch her. On the other hand, if I were going to school nights and she got sick her dad would be home and grandma wouldn't be too far away either. Plus my husband gets off of work at five and classes start at 6:30 so even if he's running a little late, I'd still have plenty of time to get to class.

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