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About kf_az82

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  1. Out with the old, in with code
  2. I had to email them and ask them which one I was placed in. Or you can also contact the advisement center. I believe it is based on time stamps. The orientation for the August cohort is actually...
  3. Has anyone who has been placed in the October co-hort at Gateway received the info packet in the mail with our schedule yet?? Also, does anyone know anything about how the financial aid works since we...
  4. AZRN2B... I'm at Gateway too in October. It will be nice to know someone else going into the program with
  5. Banner Nurse Fellows Program

    mamabear, I am in the same boat. Hoping to get a call for an interview. It seems like everyone who has gotten called has an interview scheduled for next week. (correct me if I am wrong) I can't...
  6. Banner Nurse Fellows Program

    jennaz, back2class, newbeginning... what week are your interviews? Are they this week or next? Good luck to all of
  7. Banner Nurse Fellows Program

    At the March info session, they told everyone it would be 2 days during the week 5:30-9:30 pm with Saturday Clinicals. Hope that
  8. Should we shoot for next Saturday the 15th instead? That might work better for me as
  9. July 2010 Cohort Banner NFP

    I was at the info session in March and there was no mention that the program was being cancelled. In fact, they stated applications for the October cohort would be due sometime in June. They also made...
  10. July 2010 Cohort Banner NFP

    The placement whiteboard lists the placements for the Summer AND the Fall. . There are 30 Part Time slots for Gateway in July. 30 16 month accelerated slots for Gateway in
  11. Anyone else with a time stamp Feb 09???

    I have the same timestamp. This was taken directly from the Placement White Board: The "oldest" application in the database still awaiting placement for a student that has (5) valid choices and has...
  12. Banner Nurse Fellows Program

    Yes, There were people standing up, sitting on the floor, packed like sardines by the door ect. A lot of people were asking questions about the October cohort though too so I can't imagine all of them...
  13. Banner Nurse Fellows Program

    Cscanlon, At the meeting in March there was well over 150+ people there. Combined with people who had submitted their apps in the months prior, that is some serious competition! A lot of people at...
  14. Banner Nurse Fellows Program

    Nope. Nothing yet! I'm sure they are inundated by applications though. I hate this nervous anxious feeling! I do wonder though if everyone who applied realizes that the July cohort is a 24 month part...
  15. No worries! I know there have been some recommended books specifically for care plans on this thread and in other posts, maybe those would be a good idea? I'll put the date on my calendar. Banner...