

Oncology, Rehab, Public Health, Med Surg

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About NanikRN

NanikRN specializes in Oncology, Rehab, Public Health, Med Surg.

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  1. Feedback appreciated

    Why would anyone want to divert Haldol? Is this a
  2. Also entirely possible that she wants you to do,CNA work cause youre good at it Maybe she has trouble finding others to do a job as well. If so, its a one-sided arrangement. Shes getting what she...
  3. Implanted Ports & Heparin Flushes

    Same at our
  4. Lpn & asn are are being phased out.

    Never going to happen. I was told this when I graduated as a LVN over 30 years ago. Granted, job descrition has changed and There's not as many opportunities for the LVN. But phase them
  5. It's the 1st of July

    Advice i give the ones that ask and yes, we do get new docs smart enough to ask, : be nice to the nursing staff and always have a reason for what you do. I love watching them grow from first years...
  6. Questions from My wheelchair about Nursing

    I think you could get a job as a experienced nurse in a wheelchair. Probably not many openings in the hospital unless maybe education. There are phone triage, case management, nurse educators, even...
  7. Respect the letters

    I'm guessing nothing is wrong with Commuter. I was a LVN 6 years-- didnt get treated like that
  8. What are the things that keep you here at this hospital? How would you describe the nursing culture? What is your nurse retention rate? How many new nurses in last year? As a new nurse,what kind of...
  9. Good job, OP! You were really watching out for your
  10. Nursing student asks nurses the question..

    References please? You keep getting told this was not the case. So back it up with some
  11. Nursing student asks nurses the question..

    I have been a nurse for well over 35 ish years With multiple jobs in many different areas. NEVER has having a student been in any of my job descriptions. The job description you're thinking of is...
  12. Nursing student asks nurses the question..

    I know what you're saying about your experience-- you are a student nurse that says your observations "should have grabbed her attention". As if you know where her attention should be. Her attention...
  13. Facebook and employers/school

  14. Nursing student asks nurses the question..

    "Should have grabbed her attention". You truly think that you know better than this pt's nurse where her attention should be? If you know all this as a *** student***, why even bother to ask...
  15. Going to be fired?

    I believe this too. Cannot/ willnot believe this is