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All Content by meghan91

  1. First day of First RN job this week-nervous

    congrats on getting such a good job esp. days right out of school!! i am in nursing school now to become a RN and i can only imagine how nervous ill be my first day as a everyone said its ok to be nervous its totally are prepar...
  2. how do i get this NA job? =/

    hi everyone, right now im finishing up my ast of my pre reqs for my 4 year nursing school a&p2, micro bio, philosophy, and history classes i plan on getting my bsn...i really want a job at my local hospital as a na i want to get in the hospital ...
  3. RN-itis?

    i think what she means is sometimes RNs who havent experienced being a NA or CNA of any type before becoming a nurse kind of like someone else said rely too much on CNA's. some think CNA's arent as "good" as RNs and that as a RN they are more importa...
  4. how do i get this NA job?

    hi everyone, right now im finishing up my ast of my pre reqs for my 4 year nursing school a&p2, micro bio, philosophy, and history classes i plan on getting my bsn...i really want a job at my local hospital as a na i want to get in the hospital a...
  5. What was I thinking

    Congrats on being a nurse for 30 years! i know a lot of peope who are also burned out so dont feel alone i hope i dont gget burned out too quick when im a RN you could try a doctors office (a little less stress than a hospital or LTC), maybe try educ...
  6. 1st day of orientation (scrubs or no scrubs?)

    i would say casual dress clothes if your just going to be watching videos etc. I would call thought and just ask if they want you to wear scrubs in case you might be on the unit for some chance. chances are you wont be but i would call just to make s...
  7. Ohhhhh your a Nurse!?!?

    even as a young person still in nursing school i have realized everyone has their job for a reason wheather it is as a CNA, LPN, RN whatever your job title is your their for a reason and when you part of that team is missing there is a difference. I ...
  8. im going to have to agree with everyone else on this one, wear dress clothes not scrubs...scrubs are great things when your actually working in the medical feild but not for the say dress pants, nice shirt and dress shoes(heels, dress ...
  9. it is my second year at lccc and i have finished up all my pre reqs for nursing now i want to transfer to one of these schools to get my BSN: which school is better? have you gone to either of them? if so what did you think of the school? what gpa di...
  10. Low GPA...

    i am 19 and i was in the EXACT same situation when i got out of highschool because i wanted to become a nurse(im going to nursing school now) my gpa wasnt high enough to get into universitys or nursing programs. here what to do all nursing programs h...
  11. scrubs for a younger person?

    hey guys im 19 and a nursing student but i am seeking out a job as a na at a local hospital if i get it i am going to be buying scrubs of course haha but i was wondering what are some of your favorite brands of scrubs esspecialy geared towards the yo...
  12. staying in shape as a nurse?

    i am 19 and starting nursing school soon (already did my pre reqs) and i realized its going to be hard to find time to work out or stay fit during nursing school and even after when i am a RN and actually working long hours at the hospital. Now its a...
  13. staying in shape as a nurse?

    thanks everyone! you all have great points and ideas how to stay in shape im probably gana try out some of thoes work out dvds for a change. i like to run/walk on the treadmill for an hour because it seems to burn around 600 calories (according to th...
  14. i currently have gone to a community college for 2 years doing all my nursing pre reqs now i want to transfer to a 4 year school and get my BSN. in order to transfer i need to have 30 credits right now i have 28 total credits but after this spring se...
  15. can i bring my gpa up?

    i right now have 27 credits done and need 30 to get into the school i want but after this semester ill have well over 30 ill be taking A&PII (4 credits), 2 philosophy classes online( 3 credits each), and a history class (3credits). My GPA right n...
  16. do you need to take a history class in order to get a BSN degree? what other classes did you guys take as far as all your pre reqs went?
  17. LTC Orientation for New Grad RN

    chances are its the 2-3 weeks not 3 days especially since your new to being a nurse, im not 100% sure but im just guessing because at my hospital orientation is anywhere from 4-6 weeks if not longer depending on the position
  18. nursing home for my father in law?

    no in pretty much anywhere besides a hospital they dont have railings on the beds because it is seen as a hazard plus as someone else mentioned they can be seen as restraints to people. its really hard to belive that they wouldnt have rails on thoes ...
  19. nursing home for my father in law?

    my grandfather has to be put in a nusing home a few weeks before the end of his life because he got so bad he had cancer,copd, some hallucenating and demitia because of his health and medicine they put him on. there was no way we could take care of h...
  20. facebook "stalking" as a nurse?

    all of you have great points. i think patients should have the right to know our last names because we are taking care of them and their life is sort of in our hands most of the time but for the few out there that have plans of hurting us isnt so goo...
  21. leaving work at night?

    Thanks everyone! You all have great tips and reading these have helped me, especially since i now fully realize i am not the only one how has this thought on their mind while leaving a hospital at night or anywhere like that. I hope i never have to a...
  22. leaving work at night?

    ok this might sound really stupid but i just have to ask, i am in nursing school now an might be getting a job as a NA at a hospital for the 3-11 shift until i become a RN. Now the hospital isnt in a good area at all really i mean it could be worse b...
  23. i am in my second yea rof college and finished all my pre reqs for nursing school i want to work or volunteer at a hospital but dont know how, there isnt like an application on their website. any ideas how i could do this? what are some jobs i could ...
  24. LPN to RN schools in or near Scranton, PA?

    luzerne county community college its in nanticoke PA. THey have a LPN to RN program where you are basically gaurentted a spot. It will probably take your around 2 years and you will be a RN. You wont have a BSN though just the RN liscence basically. ...
  25. Luzerne CC LPN-to-RN program

    i am 19 and go there now and have been for 2 years trying to get into their nursing program as a regular student without being an LPN. I know of people who have gone there as a LPN already and they say it is hard especially if you have another job an...