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About GladysStiles

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  1. Labor Question

    I had to be induced because of possible fetal distress. It took me from 3pm on the 26th to 10:50am on the 27th to go to 4cm dialated. Well, at 12pm on the 27th I started pushing and couldn't stop...
  2. Average pay salary for OB/GYN L&D nurse??

    What is the average pay for OB/GYN L&D
  3. KSU students

    I am first starting out as an LPN and enroll into Appalachian Tech to see if I like nursing. If I enjoy it I will go on from there to be a RN but since I would be a LPN I would already have my...
  4. KSU students

    Please tell me what the nursing program is like and do you enjoy
  5. What do LPN's do in general-also in OB/GYN

    Could you tell me what LPN's do in OB/GYN and
  6. LPN & Labor and Delivery

    If You are an LPN Can you help with the delivery?? Like perinal massage
  7. I either want to be an OB/GYN RN or a L&D RN. I want to work in a delivery room so I am not sure if both can do that. Please tell me college course to take and any other things I can do that...
  8. OB/GYN RNs Please Help!!

    I am interested in being an OB/GYN RN. I was wondering if an OB/GYN RN would e-mail me and tell me what classes they took in college and what their job is like. Any additional information you could...