OB/GYN RNs Please Help!!


I am interested in being an OB/GYN RN. I was wondering if an OB/GYN RN would e-mail me and tell me what classes they took in college and what their job is like. Any additional information you could give me would be wonderful. Also, I prefer to work in the Delivery room so would a OB/GYN RN do the same thing a L&D RN do?? Please help me on this also.

Email me at [email protected]

I am interested in being an OB/GYN RN. I was wondering if an OB/GYN RN would e-mail me and tell me what classes they took in college and what their job is like. Any additional information you could give me would be wonderful. Also, I prefer to work in the Delivery room so would a OB/GYN RN do the same thing a L&D RN do?? Please help me on this also.

Email me at [email protected]

I don't work in Obstetrics so I can't really help you a whole lot, but I do want to welcome you to this site and wish you the best of luck on your journey. If your dream is OB, then hit it with all you've got. My wife is an Ob/Gyn MD and the sparkle I see in her eyes, when she's speaking of her work. I completely realize why people love this field.

Best Wishes!



I'm a L&D RN and love it. Our unit is a LDRP model. This is what I was born to do. First you asked about education: Get your RN; if OB is what you still want to do; do your practicum (whaterever it's called in your school of nursing) in OB; then apply for a job on that unit. I did Med/ Surg first, but you can start right out in OB (decide whats right for you). Second you asked about my day at work: I assess an antepartum patient to determine if she needs to be admitted; call MD; get her admitted and follow her progression of labor. As the labor nurse, I maintain ongoing assessment of mom and baby, calling MD with updates or needs; assist anesthesia with epidural. Then when mom ready to push I coach her through that with MD arriving in time to deliver baby. If there are any maternal or fetal problems on the way; I report to MD and perform interventions as ordered. I also circulate in operating room with C- section. I continue to care for mom and baby pairs after delivery. It's a FANTASTIC job for me. I love the labor and delivery process. Some days are more challenging than others and some patients are more of a challenge than others. Enjoy your journey. Nursing has so many opportunities available.

Best wishes,


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