I am applying to either the Acute Care PNP or Primary PNP program this fall! I haven't taken the GRE yet and am just starting in a Peds CICU in a couple weeks. I don't think that starting the program...
Good luck everybody! She said if you leave a voicemail, she will try to call you back. She did say that she's getting 60 call/hour right now.. I want to know who else got
I would encourage you all to call Elizabeth Fern personally. She was super friendly when I told her I hadn't received an email, she said that there must have been a problem with the email service....
I found out today when I called them.. She looked it up for me because apparently the emails had an issue with it.? I almost flipped out when she told me I was admitted! :yeah:I hope you guys hear...
I got in to UIC College of Nursing!!!!!! I have been waiting for this for so long, and to finally find out feels AWESOME! This was my only and #1 choice!
I am not sure then, but the info I received was via email as of this morning 9 am... she said they were hoping to have all the letters mailed by late next week Thursday or
I applied to UIC chicago campus. I only heard this because I emailed Ms. Fern asking when the decision would be available... so I just wanted to spread the word because they haven't mass publicized...