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About hosanna3

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  1. Vanderbilt Grad Entry 2013

    I am applying to either the Acute Care PNP or Primary PNP program this fall! I haven't taken the GRE yet and am just starting in a Peds CICU in a couple weeks. I don't think that starting the program...
  2. New grad Cardiovascular ICU interview

    I have a Peds CVICU interview this Friday! I hope it's only behavioral questions, and I hope I don't "blank" and forget good examples to give
  3. new grad program interview

    I think this might help you stand
  4. The HRSA Nursing Scholarship

    I would suggest no... Because EFC of 0 is required to be
  5. UIC Fall 2010 BSN Admittance!!??

    Congratulations everybody who got in! We will all be meeting up at orientation in less than a month! I'm glad the email problems have been cleared up
  6. UIC Fall 2010 BSN Admittance!!??

    Good luck everybody! She said if you leave a voicemail, she will try to call you back. She did say that she's getting 60 call/hour right now.. I want to know who else got
  7. UIC Fall 2010 BSN Admittance!!??

    I would encourage you all to call Elizabeth Fern personally. She was super friendly when I told her I hadn't received an email, she said that there must have been a problem with the email service....
  8. I found out today when I called them.. She looked it up for me because apparently the emails had an issue with it.? I almost flipped out when she told me I was admitted! :yeah:I hope you guys hear...
  9. I got in to UIC College of Nursing!!!!!! I have been waiting for this for so long, and to finally find out feels AWESOME! This was my only and #1 choice!
  10. UIC Fall 2010 BSN Admittance!!??

    Way to be optimistic!! I don't know what I am... a mix of excited and anxious
  11. UIC Fall 2010 BSN Admittance!!??

    Aww man, this is killing me, I haven't gotten an email yet!! I wonder if they are slowly sending out the UIC CON emails today? I hope it comes this
  12. UIC Fall 2010 BSN Admittance!!??

    Yeah, unless the email was a lie, they will send them out next week
  13. UIC Fall 2010 BSN Admittance!!??

    That is the understatement of the year!!!!! haha, one week has never seemed so long to
  14. UIC Fall 2010 BSN Admittance!!??

    I am not sure then, but the info I received was via email as of this morning 9 am... she said they were hoping to have all the letters mailed by late next week Thursday or
  15. UIC Fall 2010 BSN Admittance!!??

    I applied to UIC chicago campus. I only heard this because I emailed Ms. Fern asking when the decision would be available... so I just wanted to spread the word because they haven't mass publicized...