

I have done in home care once before

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About Mikessa

Mikessa specializes in I have done in home care once before.

I love volcanoes or anything that has to do with sciences

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  1. Nurses struggling with mental illness

    I dont tell people my problem either. I usually go on a job pretending that I dont have a problem and never mention it. Until one day, something snaps and I would find myself crying in public with no way to find myself a hiding place to do it in. I h...
  2. BSN senior thesis

    What kind of research topics can anyone do about nursing as a senior thesis for a BSN? Those of you who haddone one before, tell me what you did your thesis on. But I wonder how one researches nursing? It isnt like doing a research on some kind of mi...
  3. I would like to know what are the benefits of getting a Masters or a PHD in nursing? Does someone from graduate school get better jobs? I havent thought much about attending graduate school, but I know some of my friends have. I figure someone from g...
  4. trouble pronoucing some medical words

    I'm not sure if this is true. I have heard of people losing their jobs over the stupidest reasons. I'm basing it mostly on that theory. I dont know if its happened to a nurse before. I'm only a first year student. But I'm already getting busted in sc...
  5. Older Nursing students

    I am 42 and I am just finishing my prereqs. I will probably be about 45 when I graduate from nursing school and get my BSN. Age is just a number, I always say. Sure a lot of 20 year olds get into the program, but I also see a lot of people who are ol...
  6. trouble pronoucing some medical words

    Thats always been my biggest weakness. I either miss a sillable or two or twist the sounds around to where I say one word but mean another (ex. "infraction" instead of "infarction") Spelling them is even harder. Thats where I always bomb out. Try spe...
  7. Are you forced to get Immunizations?

    I cant register for classes at Bozeman without my immunizations. I have to take them all over again because my childhood records are impossible to obtain.
  8. school grants

    I didnt count my parents at all, I'm 42 years old. I promised my family that I wouldnt apply for a loan. I probably wouldnt qualify for one anyway.
  9. school grants

    I just sent in a financial aid form to attend Montana State. Without going into a lot of details, I live in complete poverty, have no dependents, and I want to go to nursing school. I just want to know how a person in my same situation can get money ...
  10. background checks

    I am a WA resident planning to attend nursing school in Montana. Before I get into the nursing program, I have to get a background check done. I need to know, do I get it from WA state or the state that I plan on going to school at? How do I obtain t...
  11. Tired of being FAT and having low self esteem

    You just described my entire life style: no exercise, eat fat foods, sit and watch TV all day. The truth is I HATE IT!! And I hate being fat. But you know, I have to force myself to go on a diet and exercise my butt off. I have to go to school in Boz...
  12. Is nursing your second career?

    I am 42 years old and never had a career. I had been on disability most of my young life and unable to work for many years. I have done odd jobs and also got a diploma from a technical school as a teachers aide, but never got a job in that field. I h...
  13. Rituals before and after taking an exam...

    The way i do it, I do an allnighter. Then I take the test, and after, I celebrate myself with some good partying: a 2 liter bottle of root beer and Top 40 playing on my radio. YEAH!!!!!!!!