crb613 BSN, RN

Med Surg/Tele/ER

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All Content by crb613

  1. crb613

    What is the normal work week?

    It varies...some work 8,10,12 hrs..some do M-F....some only do weekends, some do whats left in between. I work W,T,F and every other Sat. 12 hr shfts...thats my normal.
  2. WOW! Thanks for posting... I am enjoying reading this very much!
  3. Is this for real??? This is so strange that it is hard to believe. If you are telling the truth...I apologize, and wish you the best.
  4. crb613

    The "dirty" side of nursing...

    When I saw your title I thought it was going to be about hospital politics! :)
  5. crb613

    ED nurses what are your protocols/orders for IV?

    We start them, draw labs based on symptoms. No order needed.
  6. I guess I am a little different but I do think a charge nurse needs to be able to run a code. I work at a smaller rural hospital, and we dont have a code team. I think a charge nurse should be a nurses nurse....experienced,able to handle virtually ...
  7. crb613

    How do I 'toughen up?'

    You said you did everything you normally do, and from your description you give great care. Could you have done anything more? and if you did would it have really mattered??? If by doing more for this pt how much time would it have taken from your ot...
  8. crb613

    So Sick of Pushy Patients and Verbal Abuse

    expecting competent care is fine, and all patients deserve it. i don't care if you are "paying" or not there is no excuse for bad manners. there are other ways to ensure your loved one gets the care they need. many times patients do not understand ju...
  9. crb613

    So Sick of Pushy Patients and Verbal Abuse

    It may be a little different for me since I am in the ER. If a patient becomes verbally abusive, disruptive....I call the police. We do not fool with them....act like you have some sense or I am done. I am speaking of the a&o, not medical condit...
  10. crb613

    freestanding ER, charting question

    Totally agree with Meditech being a nightmare.....Thats what we use....piece of crap!
  11. crb613

    Quick Rant on Meds

    To me this is a big red flag! Multiple med errors every time on x number of! How many of these meds are narcs???? Maybe this is her way of diverting, and covering her tracks. I'd have carpal tunnel from filling out incident reports!
  12. crb613

    Charting during traumas

    We have one person that records everything (usually ERT) while the doc, nursing, RT, lab, xray does their stuff. We also have computer charting so it does not take long to enter your info. If we are not slammed one of us will grab the notes, and char...
  13. My heart goes out to everyone there, as well as all of Joplin. I am watching on the news all the damage done by the tornado.....horrible!
  14. crb613

    CEN Practice Questions

    If you do order from ENA I think you will need to test before July 2011. The test is changing in July, so the book will not be up to date for testing after July....y'all correct me if I am wong on this.
  15. I was thinking the same thing....gonna check with my director to see what we might be able to do!
  16. crb613

    Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    :smackingf..... ER Motto....Ya can't fix stupid!
  17. crb613


    try this site. you can practice, and check your answers....i would agree with others you need to ask for help. [color=#0e774a]
  18. crb613

    Pocket Guide

    Thanks! You probally could make it smaller...but it might be a little hard to read your info....not sure! Mine is not fancy at all....its just a regular 3 ring binder with your normal size pages. It is very organized so I can find any info easily. I...
  19. crb613

    Pocket Guide

    What I use is not really a pocket guide....but man we all use it a lot. I did this out of necessity because some how....we can never find what we need when we need it! I took a 3 ring binder, looked up (or made copies of) all the drips/drugs we norm...
  20. crb613

    Have you ever been insulted for what you do?

    Yes...right here on allnurses. The most recent "Ok,why do ER nurses think they are so cool" This type of stereotyping whether it be ER, ICU, MS, Psych, L&D, OR, LTC, just plain stupid to be blunt. With any group in any profession...
  21. crb613

    Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    I would love to stay home & read some more post....but I gotta go to work! Oh but wait....I forgot I will be doing triage I have it made..... Triage is easy! I will be surfing the net all night long
  22. crb613

    Okay, why do ER nurses think they're so cool?

    I was a MS nurse, and I know how it works. MS nurses have a pretty heavy patient load, but with usually stable patients. I know you work hard we all do. I know you have pt's with bowel obstructions- I put down that ng for you. I know you have people...
  23. Unplug it??
  24. crb613

    Does anyone really like their job?

    I do love what I do, and I really like most of people I work with.I think this patient satisfaction crap has gone way too far, and I can do without the narcissistic attitude that many have.