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All Content by Sorinrae77

  1. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    Cybergigi72, Do you mind if I ask what your gpa and NET score was? Thanks,
  2. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    Thanks guys, it is good to have you all to talk to! I love that everyone is getting in and I think everyone deserves it because we all work hard and we have all overcome to get to get here but I have to say it is also disheartening every time I see s...
  3. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    YEP just checked again tonight! My Utlink is definately broken!!! :grn:
  4. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    Thank you Caister! I really really really really really want this too! I have come too far to not get it, but what ever God's will is, it is! Congrats to all of you that have made it this far and been accepted! Everyone has worked hard and you all de...
  5. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    My holds or my status have NOT been updated yet! I have been stressing for 2 days, this is my second time around and I really don't want to do this again the anticipation sucks! I have just been telling myself that my utlink is just broken and that ...
  6. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    I called the Registrar and she said that they are not updated alphabetically. They are just going down the list they were given in no particular order. Thanks Cleopf01
  7. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    That is awesome for you Vpwannabnurse! Can you post your gpa's and NET scores?
  8. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    Congrats Cleopf01! What are your gpa's and NET Scores?
  9. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    Hey guys, The answer to your question about utlink updating if you don't get in is "No", if you don't get in it just continues to say pending....Sorry if that isn't what some of you wanted to hear. Hopefully with any luck we will all start finding ou...
  10. UT Houston Generic BSN applicants Fall 2010

    I believe that Stacey does have brown hair. I am so sorry, my interviewer was like that last semester and she made me so nervous. Then again, she was pregnant we found out later on...Bless her heart she was probably beyond stressed. I am sure it was ...
  11. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    I do have great connections but I am not using them...I have a parent of an almost teenager and I have worked my butt off and I want to do this fairly or else how could I teach my son too. I want to get in the way everyone else does because of my har...
  12. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    No Worries, they only consider your recent stuff...a lot of ppl have to start over or have stuff from a long time ago, they know that. She probably didn't write anything down because they will be looking at your recent course work and what is relevan...
  13. UT Houston Generic BSN applicants Fall 2010

    Hi you guys can I join in here? Thanks Jennifer for starting a new post. You were the one at my table, across from me...who did you interview with? Please don't tell me it was Stacey...she is tough! I am so glad you started a new thread. Much calmer ...
  14. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    No, I have a good GPA, NET scores are fine...I was carrying 4 classes and still had to take my stat class which would have to be done in the mini term in order to be done to start the this January, it was a craps shoot on whether they would even offe...
  15. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    Remeber that there are also ppl interviewing for the BSN Fast track program too. Last semester those ppl took spots in the generic program because fast track wasn't offered so this time they won't. Also they told us last semester that they were taki...
  16. UT Houston Fall 2010 (University of Texas at Houston)

    Hi All! I would just like to say kjenn21 I am not real sure but I think I am the one you are referring to when you said what you did about the essay from last year. I applied to the Spring 2010 semester at UTHSC and did not get in. I am back this sem...
  17. UT houston spring 2010 hopefuls

    cjbarnes2006, Stop doubting...I am sure your friend was awesome. It was one person who met her and one person who rated her if they score us and it is a sorry thing that our futures come down to one person's opinion really but they are just a person ...
  18. UT houston spring 2010 hopefuls

    Personally I am hoping for sooner ...But, it is not up to me, it is up to him and I just do my part to help him prepare me for what is next. I know I would not have gotten this far if it was not meant to be and neither would any of the people on this...
  19. UT houston spring 2010 hopefuls

    Cadiaz, Someone told me yesterday don't be sad that God is the only one who knows the plans he has for you and where ever you are meant to be, you will be. We don't need to lean on our understanding as to why things don't always work out the way we w...
  20. UT houston spring 2010 hopefuls

    How do you know Cadiaz?
  21. UT houston spring 2010 hopefuls

    I asked, she said 80 and from what I have counted with all you that got accepted, 12 from here so far have made it.
  22. UT houston spring 2010 hopefuls

    I just wanted to say CONGRATS! To everyone who made it in. My status has not changed and I have not received any emails. I wish you aLL luck in the Spring!
  23. UT houston spring 2010 hopefuls

    Where did they send you an email? Your personal email?
  24. UT houston spring 2010 hopefuls

    So that does mean they are still updating statuses today. Does anyone know what it changes to if you are not accepted?
  25. UT houston spring 2010 hopefuls

    Hi! I am new to this forum but I have been following it for months and it has helped a lot with answering a bunch of questions I have had. I looked this morning and my status hasn't changed on UTlink either so then I called...the admission coordinato...