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About birdietiel

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  1. "I Don't Care if You are Sick...Come to Work Anyway!"

    Where I work, if you call in sick, you have to find a replacement. I was sick last sat. I had been in the ER friday night. My boss didn't care. She said if I couldn't find a replacement, I would have...
  2. need your opinion

    I work in a SNF, have been there since August. It was really rough at first, took a while to get used to all the things I have to do. I pretty much have a routine down. Sometimes I run late if I have...
  3. Chicago! hospitals hiring new grads?

    I live in a rural part of IL about one hour west of Chicago. I know there isn't much available where I am. I work in a SNF. I'm not sure about Chicago. Good
  4. I want OUT!!!!

    Hang in there. Because you care about your pt safety, and worry about how you're doing shows you are a good nurse. Many people are too confident and think they know everything. I also have nurses talk...
  5. I graduated in May, and have been working in a nursing home since August. Some days are rewarding, some are awful. It took a while to get faster at the med pass. Once you have the same residents for a...
  6. Can't even spike a bag!!

    I feel the same way you do. I'm a new grad working in LTC. I had to straight cath a woman. Here urethra was all sunken in, in her lady parts. I couldn't find it. There wasn't enough light to see, and...
  7. Depressed about my job-long

    Thanks for your replies. I need to remember why I am there, for the residents! I'll try to let the other stuff not get to
  8. I hate being a LPN in LTC. The horror!

    I am going through the same thing. I was thrown on the med cart. I have seen other nurses combining meds for 4 and 8, and other things that shouldn't be done. I am always out late because I do things...
  9. I graduated in May with my RN. The only job I could find is in a nursing home. The area I live in is rural, so there weren't many jobs to even apply to. I can't relocate. My husband is a professor and...
  10. I just started as a new grad at a LTC facility. I make $22/hr and no shift differential. I live in a fairly rural part of Illinois. I have about 25 residents to myself to pass meds, do assessments,...