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All Content by BallroomRN

  1. Help me with preparing to PCS

    I've recieved my orders; OCT 14 OBLC, report to Landstuhl January 4th, 2010. My question now is what do I need to do prepare? I know I need to arrange for the shipment of my household goods but I'm not quite sure how to go about it. I have the phone ...
  2. new Army Nurse going Landstuhl, Germany

    Oh my gosh, If you've already prepared that much, you are GOLDEN. =) If you reach question 75 and the screen goes blank I won't be suprised. Shoot me a message When you Pass!
  3. new Army Nurse going Landstuhl, Germany

    Ballroom RN, you already completed your Nclex as well? Any good feedback for me on what to focus on? Likely everything lol. The NCLEX is not as bad as it sounds. I took it back in July and I studied through Kaplan, but I think I would have been okay ...
  4. July 09 OBLC

    I don't think so, now that you mention it. I went through ROTC, so that's different. I know some people from other commisioning routes can do something called " Home-Town Recruiter," which I intend to do between OBLC and PCS
  5. new Army Nurse going Landstuhl, Germany

    Hi! I am going the same route and timeline =) I'll be there in Texas this October and Germany in January! I'd love to be in contact. Hope things are going well for you in the meantime
  6. July 09 OBLC

    I feel your pain on the Gold Bar recruiting issue. My region even had a few slots open up before the next fiscal year to take on LTs who were waiting in limbo until october...of course, nurse corps officers didn't qualify for that deal. Oh well.