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All Content by Duice88

  1. No experience.....no job, no job.....no experience!!!

    I would try and see if you can go and get a letter of recommendation from your clinical instructor for the CNA class. This helped me land my first position at a long term care facility. I worked there for about a year, applied at a hospital and got...
  2. So I am currently a Nursing student and thought it would be a good experience to become a CNA. Well anyway.....I hate it!!!!! I get paid squat and do the hardest job I have ever done in my life. I really do enjoy the residents at the nursing home but...
  3. Since I was a CNA prior to going to Nursing School some of the classes came easy to be because I recognized the lingo. But A&P1 is another story. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on what to review, memorize or get farmiliar with before en...
  4. There is this one girl in my class that has a friend or family member who has had every single disease that we talk about. Its really annoying that we have to stop class to talk about how someone she knew had this or that. It disrupts my learning a...
  5. Thats so funny. I just want to tell her that everyone knows someone who has something so just shut up! LOL...I would never say that but I can think it. I will have to find a nice way to let her know.
  6. A&P I is not going well

    We must be in the same class!!!!!!! I just got a 66 (my classes average). I dont know how I am going to recover from that because each test in 10% of our grade!! I started going to another class (same class but different teacher) that is held befor...
  7. I took my first A&P test today and I know I totally bombed it. I need to get a B in this class in order to move on and I dont think this is going to happen. I am very frustrated....... How did you keep your spirits up? Any tips on how to retain...
  8. hi all, this is my first post here on allnurses and i am very excited to get some answers to my questions! so here it goes.....i just became certified as a cna. of couse i filled out tons of application and took the first job that called me back. now...
  9. Hi All, This is my first post here on allnurses and I am very excited to get some answers to my questions! So here it goes.....I just became certified as a CNA. Of couse I filled out tons of application and took the first job that called me back. ...