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  1. Nurse Corps loan repayment 2015

    I work at an ambulatory FQHC in Los Angeles County; so seeing 20-23 patients a day, lots of chronic illness management, tier 2. I got notification of the award being finalized this morning as soon as...
  2. Nurse Corps loan repayment 2015

    I was notified of being a finalist on 7/22 and have not heard anything since then. Very agonizing wait. Can anyone confirm if our site administrator is responsible for verifying our job status for a...
  3. Nurse Corps loan repayment 2015

    Hi Gina, congrats on your award. Just want to clarify - you are a NHSC LRP recipient, not Nurse Corp, correct? Did your welcome packet state when you should expect to receive your first month's...
  4. Nurse Corps loan repayment 2015

    I am a MSN nurse practitioner with a D:I ratio of over 200% at a tier 2 clinic in Los Angeles County, with disadvantaged background. Was notified 7/22/15 of award and signed the same day. My contract...
  5. UI Chicago GEP Spring 2012

    I received an invite for an interview for FNP yesterday, but declined it since I will already be traveling that week, cannot do a phone interview, and have already accepted admission for another...
  6. Yale GEPN Applicants 2011

    @amalay: On interview day, the financial aid coordinator (her name escapes me now) addressed that question, as many applicants were in the same boat re: 2nd bachelors for Hopkins, Columbia, UPenn,...
  7. Yale GEPN Applicants 2011

    I am in CA also and received my fianancial aid information yesterday. Of course I wasn't expecting a full ride or even close to it:rolleyes: but it was still a firm reality check. I am set in my...
  8. UCLA MECN Fall 2011

    Waitlisted as well. #36, ha! Don't think I'll be moving too far down the list. Good luck everyone with your
  9. Yale GEPN Applicants 2011

    I haven't received any financial aid information. Did everyone receive it with their acceptance letters or in a second
  10. Vanderbilt Pre-specialty Fall 2011

    I'll be declining my admission for FNP, so hopefully this opens up a spot for someone on the waitlist. Good luck
  11. Yale GEPN Applicants 2011

    In CA, just got my call for FNP!!!!! I'm sooooo excited! Can't stop
  12. Yale GEPN Applicants 2011

    Same here! Waiting for a call, waiting for the end of the day to rush home and check the mail...I'm getting nothing done
  13. Yale GEPN Applicants 2011

    Congratulations WilliamsRower! Must be such a relief! Phone calls now?? Geez, they are really messing with our
  14. UCLA MECN Fall 2011

    This is the right website and mine still says submitted too!
  15. Yale GEPN Applicants 2011

    So can we assume it didn't include financial aid award information, which is the reason they said letters were being sent out later than in past years??? Aaahhh, I feel like pulling out my hair, I'm...