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All Content by dcav

  1. Escorting patients to labor

    Where I work, we have our own admitting office right by triage. So you come in, register, and then go right in. However, where I gave birth, you have to register first in the main admitting office, then go up to L&D. When I came in very active, I...
  2. help a new scrub nurse

    I would also appreciate the c/section guide. I did 10 sections in 5 days during orientation, but that was months ago, and now I'm terrified of when I'll have to scrub on my own. Who knows what I'll remember now? Start out with one damp lap and an All...
  3. Confused about Variability & Decelerations

    I get the variability vs variable decel concept. But I'm still confused about what category a tracing that has moderate variability with non-recurrent late or variables is. If they're recurrent they're Category II. I'm thinking that the non-recurrent...
  4. uterine prolapse

    Mayan Abdominal Massage is supposed to be helpful for this. Google it to find out more.
  5. CPR on a person who is in rigor mortis?

    Don't think this is unusual. When I took ACLS we were told about the dose for atropine ona person who's alive and a personwho's already dead. But it still wrenches your heart. I feel alot different about DNR after being a nurse from what I used to.
  6. Stethoscope cleaning

    A note to the OP. Don't use the antimicrobial wipes on your hands. It's carcinogenic.
  7. speaking of doulas

    Bear in mind that the economy is no great. Doulas are not doing as well as they used to. In my area, they are taking the same fee, but are less busy. It's a difficult time to start any business.
  8. Hi. I'am a 52 yo granny nurse who's been working nights for almost a year in cardiac progressive care doing my obligatory 1 year of med/surg, which is not my cup of tea. Before going to nursing school I was CD(DONA) and LCCE for years. I had wanted t...
  9. Plan A Quashed. Need a Plan B

    Thanks, you made MY day. I'm still investigating. What I've been told, and I don't know if this is true or just hype, that as far as what type of MSN degree to get, it's okay to get a leadership/management one. That helps with things like case manage...
  10. Plan A Quashed. Need a Plan B

    Moogie, your reply is particularly helpful. There is a method to my madness in doing ab RN-BSN first. My hospital will pay for $9000 per year for education through a Masters degree. Anything after that, they give nothing, which means it would have to...
  11. Plan A Quashed. Need a Plan B

    Thanks for the warning about Excelsior. It wouldn't dawn on me that an NLNAC acredited school wouldn't be accepted all over. My friend graduated from their ADN program and had no problem sitting for NCLEX. Does that mean that even though she has a va...
  12. An Introduction

    Hi everybody. I'm really a lurker type since posting tends to eat up TIME, which is a very precious commodity, but allnurses.com keeps prompting to post, so here goes. I'll throw in a question too. I graduated nursing school with an ADN, with a previ...
  13. An Introduction

    Ive done some research. The thing is that I don't have the option of quitting work, or even going down to part time, so a program that requires 20 or more hours a week of time is just not realistic. Also, where I work pays a certain amount per year u...
  14. Vag exams with sterile gloves or regular gloves?

    I once observed an MD don sterile gloves to do a VE on a pt in labor, then she opened a cabinet with the gloves on, grabbed something from there, and then proceeded to examine the pt without changing them. Yuck and scarey.