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All Content by sabee06

  1. Need a little bit of positive...

    Hi, Just graduated and studying for NCLEX....I am looking forward to being on the floor....but also feeling a little apprehensive. It nice to read some of the postings...thanks Sabee
  2. Research Nurse

    Hi Everyone, It's really great that I have found this site..I know that I definitely want to be a Research Nurse helping to run clinical studies..the only thing is that I've noticed that most job postings have their own job's not alw...
  3. I got a job today!

    Hi Congrats!!!! I wanted to ask..are you getting an ADN/BSN? I've been told that they normally do not hire people without having experience in oncology first? I'm presently in the ADN program. Thanks Sabee
  4. Oncology Nursing Programs?

    Hi Everyone, I am very much interested in Oncology and was wondering about some of the programs out there. Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  5. Oncology Nursing Programs?

    Hi Barbara, Thank you for your help. I will ck it