nyapa RN

Jack of all trades, and still learning

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About nyapa

nyapa is a RN and specializes in Jack of all trades, and still learning.


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  1. nyapa

    Graduate Nurse Programs in Australia

    Which hospital are you planning to do your graduate programme in? In the Territory, our graduate programmes are run with three intakes, but the positions are very hard to get into. There are also the...
  2. nyapa

    what uni did we all go to

    I started at the Northern Territory University; until they decided to change their name to Charles Darwin University...same place...different
  3. nyapa

    Role of Nurse Practitioners

    We have a lot of nurses come through our hospital as tourists. I do know that many of the UK nurses cannot give IVABs; its a separate certificate? What role do NPs play in the UK ie what areas do they...
  4. nyapa

    Where are you...

    25 years young hey? How special!!!. Not many ppl are lucky enough, or are so blessed to reach that goal. I know it takes a lot of hard work too. Dh and I have been together for 16 years, and we...
  5. nyapa

    Role of Nurse Practitioners

    Agree totally. Actually, I like the point about GPs only seeing chronically ill ppl, whereas rural nurses see often very acute ppl. Its ridiculous that currently a nurse can't even write an MCS form...
  6. nyapa

    Where are you...

    Talaxandra, I can't believe how quickly I've forgotten how much study takes over your life, already! Joannep, I am so so jealous. That was a whirl wind tour of so many places. You must be exhausted,...
  7. nyapa

    Where are you...

    Grace Oz, Gwenith, and everyone
  8. nyapa


    Try ringing the various boards of nursing. They would have different processes as they are independent of each
  9. nyapa

    best uni?

    Well said. As you state joannep, unis are accredited. Their qualifications to teach are recognised by the Nurses Boards of all States. Interested Party, you will always find someone out in the field...
  10. please remember we are not experts. she really should be contacting authorities. 1. what is the best possible way for her to find a job once she passes the oet? she really needs to check with the...
  11. nyapa

    a few inquiries ,,....

    Enrolled Nurse programmes are now a 2 yr Diploma Course. You need to contact universities/colleges to find out what is required and whether you will have any recognition of prior
  12. "MEDICARE coverage is set to be extended beyond doctors to nurses and other health professionals when the federal Health Minister, Nicola Roxon, announces the first steps in a revamp of local health...
  13. My husband is an EN, who applied for a job at a nursing home. He was under the impression he was going to be hired as an EN, but when he went to sign up, they were going to employ him as a PCA. He...
  14. nyapa

    Registration !!!!

    Check the international section on the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council website (that is becoming my favourite saying )
  15. nyapa

    ANF.Worth joining?What advantages?

    Not at all. I was an EN for years, and didn't even know there was a separate union. But then again, I do live in 'the