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All Content by nevaehsmommy

  1. State skill test tomorrow!

    I am finished with my class...I take the state test tomorrow. I'm in Iowa. We have to do handwashing and communicatiuon and then 5 other skills. I am afraid I will forget to do something on one of the skills. I am going to practice some tonight and t...
  2. State skill test tomorrow!

    I passed! Yay! It helped that I knew the evaluater. She was the nurse that did clinicals with us. That worked in my favor because she knows I know my skills I just need more experience. Anyways yay! I have 2 job interviews tomorrow. One at the place ...
  3. State skill test tomorrow!

    YEp I think that visualizing a resident from clinicals is a good idea. I may be taking a lot of deep breaths today! Just so excited that its almost over! I just hope I am not going to get anything hard like catheter care or assisting with the bedpan....