Sorry But the rules on the website does not say you have to be licensed IN ADDITION FOR INTERNATIONAL APPLICANTS: A. Send Breakdown of Educational Program for International Nursing Programs form to...
I am gonna assume you only deal with one state. I have dealt with numerous BON and I don't llike to make mistakes so I read the BON and call and confirm BON's from time to
You must understand that BON change requiremnts from time to time. It's not static. Once must read the website and make calls to BON to keep updated on each specific
Why would one throw a Hissy Fit. You be nice but prudent, Keep notes of when you called and whom you spoke with. I suggest to get hold a supervisor and then contact them directly either by email or...
What states are not answering the phones? I have no issues with Cali, Texas or New York. You may have to wait a few minutes while the phone rings but I have to strongly disagree with your statement...
No just trying to post the correct answer that you and others post on these forums regarding immigration and BON in certain States, especially Cali. and
You need to get on the phone and blow up the phone system at the cali bon, Call and call them until you get through to them. I sure wouldn't of sit by for 6 months just waiting, I would of been...