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  1. Can my arm be infected?

    blood clot, can result from trauma etc - that would be why the ultrasound is
  2. Funniest injury you have ever seen.....

    I worked in the burn unit, caring for a cop with 1st and 2nd degree burns of his face and hands (he was a very ranking cop). The police were disposing of a very large cache of weed from several busted...
  3. What does your spouse do?

    Senior IT Security Project Manager...I call him a computer
  4. nursing home fairies

    I have the light fairy - he/she turns on the lights throughout the house and garage; the kids would NEVER leave a light
  5. strangled by ETOH pt (long rant)

    lovely - reminds me of every reason why I left hospital nursing. be careful out
  6. Vacation entitlement in Canada

    I also recall that when UK refers to "5 weeks vacation", 5 weeks means 35 paid days off. In Canada, 5 weeks mean 25 days off (a week means 5 working days, not 7 week days). So if you start with an...
  7. Tell me about your first codes

    41 yo male, dropped to the ground at a bus stop. RN on bus started CPR and he was transported to ED. 1 1/2 hours of resustiation, he was full of every tube/iv/pacer leads. The floor was littered with...
  8. Record for most babies

    Serene is a great word for high birth numbered mothers...how could they be anything
  9. wondering if Canada has flu vaccine?

    I love the vaccine/cow trade, sounds fair to me
  10. AWOL-seen any patients using this yet?

    They say you learn something everyday. Nebulized alcohol, alcohol tampons?? - this is just sick. What on earth will they think of next? - Forget I asked, I don't wanna
  11. Need bee sting help please!!!

    Might be worth a follow-up visit with the Dr in light of the family hx of reactions. With being his first sting and reacting the way he did, his next sting could be much more severe. Your Dr may...
  12. Stressed out and Getting Out

    As the saying goes, been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. Get away, as fast as you can - another opportunity will
  13. Signs, signs, everywhere a sign ...

    Chinese food place in our city - Fuk
  14. Why were they sent to boil water?

    I would have loved if my spouse was sent on this type of errand while I was laboring- he drove me
  15. When you call in sick...

    Managers should not be requesting a medical note every single time someone is ill. But part of a corporate attendence management program may request that once an employee is flagged as having an...