
Melody007_FNP-C APRN

Gastroenterology; and Primary Care

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About Melody007_FNP-C

Melody007_FNP-C has 35 years experience as a APRN and specializes in Gastroenterology; and Primary Care.

Latest Activity

  1. FNP care compared to MD

  2. Questionable practices?

    Run very far and fast! This sounds like my first NP job. I have a new job now and in less than 2 months, I am already creditionaled for all the insurance programs my practice accepts, and for the...
  3. Should I stay or go? New grad questions.

    I also feel that you are not getting enough hands-on experience in the 3 mos you have been there. I would feel totally defeated and uninspired if I only saw 1 or 2 pts per day! I am in my second...
  4. Retail Clinic salaries

    I agree! I just started, my second job as a NP with a Gastroenterologist. He was not advertising but thinking about adding an ARNP to help as he was overwhelmed. I actually got the job because I sent...
  5. NEW RN "But old LPN"

    I feel I was a bit lucky because when I went from a 10yr experienced LPN to ADN my hospital gave 1/2 credit for my LPN experience. I was also able to stay in the float pool and make double what I made...
  6. South university FNP

    I graduated from South University with my FNP. I passed my boards 16 days after my last day of school with no problem. Got my first job 2 days after my lic was changed from RN to ARNP. I am now...
  7. Do I really need a DEA?

    Here is a clarification of the bill that allows me to write any med including sched meds in the hospital: HB 1241 was passed during the 2016 Legislative Session and provides authority for an advanced...
  8. Mom suing nurse after suffocation accident

    This is the number one reason why healthcare in the US is priced
  9. American Sentinel University

    It had nothing to do with regional accred. The NP school only wanted the school you went to to hold one of the 2 national nursing accred (ex CCNE) Several of my MSN courses tranfered fine towards my...
  10. Gotta bad feeling about this place.....

    That's ok, they never called back! BUt I got a better position and with a wonderful
  11. Do I really need a DEA?

    I did not get it as we don't prescribe sched meds in the office. If I write an order on a pt I am rounding on at the hospital, I still don't need the DEA as I am covered under my MD collaborator. (Fl...
  12. Hello, Long story short I had an interview scheduled for today at 2:30 pm. I get a call at 12:36 pm that they need to move my time to 4:00 pm. Then at 1:16 pm I get another call from them telling me...
  13. America, party of 2

    I agree! I am a conservative NP and happy to see a change take place. I think Obamacare causes us to make less due to lower reimbursements. We have insurance through my husbands work. We have a high...
  14. Any NPs start from LPN?

    I was an LPN from 1997-2007 and went back and finished my ASN 2007, BSN 2011, MSNEd 2013, and FNP 2016. Before the LPN I was a
  15. Passed AANP FNP Exam today ;)

    I finished my last class 3 weeks ago and graduated 16 days ago. I studied for those 16 days and passed. I used Leik and Fitzgerald study guides. I did do Leik's live webinar since there was so much...