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All Content by nicolegrow

  1. Air Force Nursing Corps

    Yes being prior helps, not only does it mean you are familiar with the military, but it speaks to your character. It is hard to switch specialties, especially if your assigned unit needs you. If you come in as a Med-Surg (new grad) you will most like...
  2. Air Force Nursing Corps

    I am a current USAF RN. You really need to talk to a recruiter who does health care fields. You can come in as a 2nd Lt with your BSN and no experience. You would attend Commisioned Officer Training for 5 weeks in Alabama then go to a 12 week Nurse T...
  3. Air Force Nursing Corps

    Just finished application for OR nurse, CNI done, MEPS on Friday. Anyone know how many slots are for OR?
  4. Getting hired at the Cleveland Clinic

    I will be graduating in May 2009 and have begun applying for positions. Does anyone have advice on how to get hired? My areas of interest are Pediatric, Critical Care, ICU, and ED. Most of my applicatons have been through the Cleveland Clinic website...
  5. Getting hired at the Cleveland Clinic

    "i would love to know what method you used to get your job at ccf? i applied online to several jobs and get the same automatic response you did. any tips would be greatly appreciated. thanks!!!!" persistance! i also replied to my rejection e-mails p...
  6. Getting hired at the Cleveland Clinic

    I finally got a position! J5-6 CVICU. I'm so excited! I have a start date, August 24th, but now I'm worried that I will not have my ATT in time. The Ohio Board of Nursing says there is a 45 business day wait from the time they recieved your applica...
  7. July 2009 NCLEX Support Group

    Still waiting for my name to come up at the Ohio Board of Nursing. I have a job offer that I must have my ATT for and the OBN is moving in slow motion. Congrats to all you new grads who are passing your boards and starting your first jobs.
  8. Rehab/LTC: Ratio too high?

    I interviewed for a LTC/SNF recently and their ratio was 30:1 LTC and 12:1 for the skilled section. I was told that as you master your time management skils the stable patients won't seem like too much. Give it time.
  9. Broken arm and the emergency room

    So how many sticks is OK? If you can't get it by the second try, something different needs to be done. The nurse may not have listened to her patient, but she should recoginize when help is needed. I have seen in the ER a physician use portable ul...
  10. Orientations woes, Vent (long)

    No, it is not like that everywhere. The facility you work at is putting patient safety on the line. You should never do anything that you are not comfortable with! If you stay at this facility you must speak up. Have you talked to your Nurse Man...
  11. STILL don't have a job?? Vent here!

    Yes the job market is not as good as it has been in the past. You will get a job it is just going to take a little longer than it did a few years ago. Keep positive so you can give off good vibes during interviews.
  12. Should we give up our Peds/Maternity DrEaMs?

    Please do not give on finding your dream job. I know that Peds. is really hard to get, but OB might be attainable. I have met quite a few RNs that got hired into OB as new grads. The timing just might not be right. If you have to spend a year on...
  13. Would like to get some feedback on this NCLEX question

    It is A because you do not wait 10min. It takes 3 to 5 min for a drop to absorb. Yes you want to give the drop first. Answer A doesn't give any wrong information, the other choices do.
  14. CALLING---Those who have Jobs- WE need you!

    I graduated just this May and I have been applying since March. I was very discouraged, but just kept applying. I finally got a job offer for CV-ICU at the Cleveland Clinic. I am from Cleveland and I did my clinical work at their main campus. You...
  15. Failed NCLEX-RN with 85 questions, too much experience??

    So I read all the threads and came to a conclusion. You can't focus on skills. Lots of people in the healthcare field can peform skills. What makes nursing different is the critical thinking. To pass the NCLEX-RN that is what you need to master. ...
  16. I am scared of pathophisiology

    I attended Cuyahoga Community College. It is a two year program that earns an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing and I am transfering to Cleveland State to obtain my BSN in a one year bridge program. No patho class. All the courses are integrate...
  17. Nursing school Experience

    Expect to need to study. Recommended is at the least 4hrs. per day. Yes every day. Split this up. If your tired stop studying and sleep. Do not skip on sleeping. Record lectures and listen to them while you are doing other things. Record yourself...

    You don't prepare for the HESI. It is to test what you already know, and let you know your weak points. This way you can know what to focus on when studying for your NCLEX.
  19. I am scared of pathophisiology

    I didn't take patho as a seperate class. We learned dx pathos as we went along. Why do you have to take it as a seperate class?
  20. Why do a lot of nursing students hate med/surg?

    Med/Surg was my least enjoyable rotation. I loved my clinical instructor, got along well with my class, and kept my grades up. I don't feel that there is really enough time for your patients. Nursing is supposed to be for the whole person, and whe...
  21. When I write a care plan I just want it to be over. Most of it comes from a care plan book not my personal thought process. I can't tell you anything about the many care plans that I have written. I can tell you about the patient care I have given. Y...
  22. organization

    Make a flow sheet. All nurses use one. Ask for help. The staff on the floor of your clinical should help you. The goal is not only your education, but #1 the patients safety and care, so ask the nurse aids for some help, ask the patient's RN for help...
  23. How to study for nursing exams?

    Don't just view it as studying for an exam. Your goal should be to understand the material, all of it. This takes alot of time. Nursing is a process with rationale for every intervention. You need to spend 4hrs plus a day working with the material is...
  24. math class

    Dose calculations are taken very seriously and you will be failed. Ask your professor for a one on one review of the concepts you missed. They should be there to help you. If no remediation/review is offered after failing an exam of any kind seek an ...
  25. In desperate in of some pointers!

    Not sure which class you are taking a final in, but it does start the first day. There is no replacement for being a dedicated student. Reading your notes is ok, but other things you can do are: record yourself reading them and then play it back, pla...