Getting hired at the Cleveland Clinic

U.S.A. Ohio


Specializes in ICU, ER, OR.

I will be graduating in May 2009 and have begun applying for positions. Does anyone have advice on how to get hired? My areas of interest are Pediatric, Critical Care, ICU, and ED. Most of my applicatons have been through the Cleveland Clinic website and all my responses are little automated messages about how they have reviewed my info and aren't hiring me. It is all very impersonal. If I was rejected in person I could ask why I was overlooked as a candidate. I know that it would not be realistic to speak with everyone who has applied, but I don't know what I am doing wrong. Any suggestions about finding a job?

you are not alone. i applied at lakewood and emh online, all part of the cleveland clinic. i applied on saturday and was rejected on the same sat. i got the same automated messages from both places. obviously, no one was working on sat. to personally review my application. i have 9 yrs. of nursing experience, so i was quite offended when i was rejected. i was going to go in and apply in person, but i have since received another job offer. if i were you, go in person and apply. i think you will have better results. good luck.

Specializes in CVICU, anesthesia.
I will be graduating in May 2009 and have begun applying for positions. Does anyone have advice on how to get hired? My areas of interest are Pediatric, Critical Care, ICU, and ED. Most of my applicatons have been through the Cleveland Clinic website and all my responses are little automated messages about how they have reviewed my info and aren't hiring me. It is all very impersonal. If I was rejected in person I could ask why I was overlooked as a candidate. I know that it would not be realistic to speak with everyone who has applied, but I don't know what I am doing wrong. Any suggestions about finding a job?

You may be getting rejected by the automated system because you are a new grad. I know the clinic prefers experienced nurses for all of the areas you listed as your areas of interest, and they may even require it. The other thing to keep in mind is the clinic will post a lot of new grad jobs in may so that they can do all of their new grad orientation at the same time. Keep looking, and maybe even put in a call to their HR department and ask what's up.

Specializes in Cardiac.

I got hired as a new grad to the CICU at the main campus, but that was back when we were expanding from 16 beds to 24 in the new building. If you are really interested in critical care J31 is a great place to work and we are hiring due to the fact that we are actually filling our 24 beds and numerous RNs left/are leaving to become advanced practice nurses.

Specializes in ICU, ER, OR.

I finally got a position! J5-6 CVICU. I'm so excited!

I have a start date, August 24th, but now I'm worried that I will not have my ATT in time. The Ohio Board of Nursing says there is a 45 business day wait from the time they recieved your application! Plus another 10 -14 for to recieve the ATT. My application was sent the first week of June, so if it takes them all 59 possible days I will not have my ATT by August 24!

It is so frustrating to work so hard for your dreams and have things out of your control step on them!

Specializes in Cardiac.

Yikes, the OBON is so slow there were a couple new grads that were hired on my unit that had to push back their start date because they didn't receive their ATT in time. J5-6 is a good unit, you'll enjoy working there.

I finally got a position! J5-6 CVICU. I'm so excited!

I have a start date, August 24th, but now I'm worried that I will not have my ATT in time. The Ohio Board of Nursing says there is a 45 business day wait from the time they recieved your application! Plus another 10 -14 for to recieve the ATT. My application was sent the first week of June, so if it takes them all 59 possible days I will not have my ATT by August 24!

It is so frustrating to work so hard for your dreams and have things out of your control step on them!

I would love to know what method you used to get your job at ccf? I applied online to several jobs and get the same automatic response you did. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!!

Specializes in MICU for 4 years, now PICU for 3 years!.

I know, in my unit, if you are hired and haven't passed your NCLEX yet, you are a nurse intern until you do pass. With all the problems people have had with the board, I am sure if you speak with the nurse manager, they will be ok with you starting. All the extra time for orientation can't hurt! Good luck, I hope you love it at CCF as much as I do. You learn SO much there!

Specializes in ICU, ER, OR.

"i would love to know what method you used to get your job at ccf? i applied online to several jobs and get the same automatic response you did. any tips would be greatly appreciated. thanks!!!!"

persistance! i also replied to my rejection e-mails politely. called the nurse recruiters. the market here is very competitive right now. i also adjusted my resume. i actually got interviews after i adjusted my resume. the one that i had made in school didn't cut it, wasn't modern enough. most important i kept my positive attitude. i pretty sure that is what got me a job, the stubborn positivity. arrow_up.gif

"i would love to know what method you used to get your job at ccf? i applied online to several jobs and get the same automatic response you did. any tips would be greatly appreciated. thanks!!!!"

persistance! i also replied to my rejection e-mails politely. called the nurse recruiters. the market here is very competitive right now. i also adjusted my resume. i actually got interviews after i adjusted my resume. the one that i had made in school didn't cut it, wasn't modern enough. most important i kept my positive attitude. i pretty sure that is what got me a job, the stubborn positivity. arrow_up.gif

thank you! i will try to that today... i will keep you updated.

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