
dreavt BSN, RN


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About dreavt

dreavt has 6 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in Hematology/Oncology.

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  1. Portland oncology nursing?

    Thank you! This is very helpful! I have found a couple of programs that I think I could do in a reasonable amount of time for a reasonable amount of money. Now just need to decide if I definitely...
  2. Portland oncology nursing?

    Than you for the insight! I have to admit the work/debt involved in getting a BSN isn't too appealing... but I will definitely research my options. Thanks
  3. OCN 2015!!!

    i took the exam 4 years ago and passed, and quite a few of my colleagues (past and present) are also OCN and passed on the first try. In fact the only nurse I personally know of who failed was one...
  4. Portland oncology nursing?

    Hi everyone! I am 95% sure my family will be moving to Portland, likely within the next 1-2 years. My partner's a writer, so can live anywhere, but I've been an oncology nurse, specifically a "chemo...
  5. Thanks, Purple & Meriwhen! That's what I was leaning towards. Part of me is just curious to know if I'll make the cut... Appreciate your
  6. Hi all, I applied for a job which I think in many ways would be perfect for me. Alas, the hours (8-5 M-F) and commute (1+ hr each way) would be terrible for my life & family. In my initial...
  7. I'm sure it varies regionally and facility-to-facility, as others have pointed out. My experience is no -- I've got an ADN, and neither I nor any of my classmates had a harder time getting a job than...
  8. I may be getting ahead of myself, but I'm obsessing about this and hope articulating it will help -- any feedback appreciated! I've been a nurse for just over 2 yrs, all of that on an inpatient...
  9. Hello all, I just got back from the ONS Institutes of Learning and am now fascinated with the use of "closed system transfer devices" for chemo administration, especially for actually connecting the...
  10. Best way to study for OCN exam?

    *oops -- random double-post
  11. Best way to study for OCN exam?

    You find out if you passed the OCN exam immediately -- right after you submit your final
  12. Best way to study for OCN exam?

    Everyone gets the same number of questions, but not the same questions. However all the tests follow the "blueprint" -- i.e. x % of questions are about oncologic emergencies, x % are about supportive...
  13. Best way to study for OCN exam?

    I signed up in January 2011 and passed in May! It was tough but not absurdly so -- however IMHO *you must study* no matter how many years experience you have. The questions are just too detailed and...
  14. So i'm a Nurse right????

    Yeah, I passed the NCLEX in early June, didn't start my first nursing job until late August. So technically I was an RN/nurse, but felt like a fraud when family/friends would introduce me as such...
  15. New Grad starting Oncology

    I was hired as a new grad to an inpatient hem/onc floor, in Aug 2009. I LOVE it, at least the onco part! About 5 months ago, my unit sent men to an ONS chemo course. The things I did not know much...