

Geriatrics, LTC

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About elb252

elb252 specializes in Geriatrics, LTC.

I'm just getting started with my nursing career. I love geriatrics, but have a huge interest in developmental disabilities as well. Someday, I hope to get into DD nursing and hospice nursing. So far, my first year as a nurse has been a crazy ride!

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  1. I've been working on a rehab/skilled care unit in LTC for seven months and have a second interview tomorrow at the Institute. I went to an open house/job fair for nurses they recently had about a...
  2. Claiming suicide can get you out of anything!

    Any more than it's fair for this man, a threat to staff (not to mention patients), to be "dumped" in an ER. While people get killed in jail, there's even more of a risk of this man escalating to...
  3. Okay, staff -- it's annoying enough when you yell conversations down the hallways, but for the love of god -- do you HAVE to do it right by the nurse's station when I'm on the phone with a doctor?...
  4. advise please

    Don't get yourself too stressed out, Greta. I think that that statement, "don't trust her, she'll get you fired", was just a general statement (as opposed to a statement that was based on the actual...
  5. If you want to know where all of your CNAs and nurses go, step outside of your cushy office, Ms. DON, and spend just ten minutes in my
  6. You, as the supervisor, want me to come down to your office just so that you can tell me how to apply a warm compress on a compromised IV site? First of all, what kind of idiot do you think I am?...
  7. my god, thank you for that. my last preceptor disappeared out of thin air for a fifteen minute break, and left me alone on the medcart on my first day of orientation. good
  8. AMEN...
  9. LTC vs SNF vs SUBACUTE??

    Forgive my ignorance, but is subacute the same as
  10. Does anyone LOVE Geriatrics?

    I love babies, but they're so fragile...so many things could go wrong with such tiny lives. It's not for me, either. I love geriatrics, too. I someday hope to work in hospice and psych (geri is a...
  11. Does anyone LOVE Geriatrics?

    Many of your critical care patients will involve the geriatric
  12. I see the point that you're trying to make. While it may sound like a good idea, it's actually quite biased. As a nurse with Asperger's disorder and ADHD, I never would have fulfilled your standards....
  13. If you want to talk trash about another staff member or resident, by all means -- go straight ahead. But, don't involve me, especially when there's family around or doctors
  14. That's a good
  15. First job in long-term care facility

    Wow, that's ridiculous! Does this nurse know you're a beginning LPN, Cappuccino? If she does and you've already explained to her that you're trying to learn as much as you can during orientation,...