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  1. Ok here goes: 1. Professionally speaking (no pun intended) It bothers me when any group of individuals begins speaking in a different rhetoric in front of patients families and co-workers which is...
  2. You can find it here: Note: Merged threads together.
  3. Assingment under protest

    Here are two places to find out a little bit of information, on assignment despite of objection. On...
  4. "Green Ribbon" symbol of Nursing Solidarity

    Peggy, I am sorry to hear you are ill. We do need unity and we do need something that will get attention. I can see ribbons are symbolic and I know they have an important message for so many. We had...
  5. "Green Ribbon" symbol of Nursing Solidarity

    Hey Peggy I like your enthusiasm. I think ribbons are overdone a bit. Hey I got it why don't we all take a 1 dollar bill and pin it to our uniforms, if we walked around with money pinned to the front...
  6. I worked all weekend so have not been here. Saw the couple posts about CNA's calling themselves "Nurses" and could not refuse. Number one the ASS wiper references have to go, you degrade yourselves...
  7. What my DON said about getting rid of LPN's

    Thanks Leeson LOL :) I have to say this post is ripe with emotions, but Tim making a public apology deserves attention because it shows that he is willing to accept a mistake and admit it.That is...
  8. What my DON said about getting rid of LPN's

    Thanks Leeson LOL :) I have to say this post is ripe with emotions, but Tim making a public apology deserves attention because it shows that he is willing to accept a mistake and admit it.That is...
  9. What my DON said about getting rid of LPN's

    CanoeHead started a post on professionalism asking us to define or give examples.I am glad he asked you can find the thread here:...
  10. What my DON said about getting rid of LPN's

    Oh boy let me take a deep breath and jump in...While stating that Tim was trying to make a point which is valid the post got a wee bit emotional and personal at the end. All nurses are not the same,...
  11. ANA discriminates against LPN/LVN

    Now this is interesting, I am the fence post rider on this ANA issue, waiting and watching, but came across this piece of reading...Essentially we have created this heirachy ourselves, but technically...
  12. ANA discriminates against LPN/LVN

    Now this is interesting, I am the fence post rider on this ANA issue, waiting and watching, but came across this piece of reading...Essentially we have created this heirachy ourselves, but technically...
  13. Jami, Oh my Lord I can not believe he responded to you. Did you guys read what he wrote back. So if he says he is not so niave as to think nurses were not going to be offensive to the material, what...
  14. What is worse he is not only, a sexist but a racist, and an obvious psychotic... This quote was at the bottom: ""When we walked in the shopping mall together in the evening or on the weekend, and we...
  15. I know when I read it I just about fell outta the chair... This guy is obviously one tweeked man, and his wife is warped to stay with him. I just could not believe he actually wrote an entire...