~Mi Vida Loca~RN ASN, RN

Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics

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About ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

~Mi Vida Loca~RN has 6 years experience as a ASN, RN and specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

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  1. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    Made a med error

  2. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    Made a med error

    That's how it always was for the facilities I worked at too. The med was always ordered IV and we had to know that in kids we gave it PO mixed in juice. That was why I asked the poster what I did...
  3. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    Devita dialysis

    So many of your questions are going to vary center to center, even multiple local centers can be ran completely different. However, I would suggest that if you are applying to make sure you're...
  4. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    When will everyone understand things are different in the ER

    Every facility I have worked at (6 different ones total in various states) the ED has never put in admission orders as the ED doc. There isn't expiring orders or anything like that. There isn't even...
  5. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    When will everyone understand things are different in the ER

    Yea I never knew this was a misconception until one of the nurses in report asked me one time why I couldn't just ask the doc since they were right here. Then it clicked and she told me she thought...
  6. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    When will everyone understand things are different in the ER

    Scrolling though this it reminded me of a common misconception to some non ED Folks. ED Docs don't admit patients. Inpatient docs do. So the orders you need, the questions you have concerning...
  7. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    Made a med error

    Except the order stated it was IV (which I have always seen it entered that way as well but for small children it was mixed in Juice and given orally) It was never ordered IM. But that's why I asked...
  8. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    Patient is a sex offender with a tracker on his ankle

    It's such a relief when I read so much absurdity and I read a post that can actually see the real issue here. "Upon my assessment of the patient I noticed he had an ankle bracelet on. No worries,...
  9. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    Patient is a sex offender with a tracker on his ankle

    Some of these responses just boggle my mind. Like do you read the stuff you're saying and really think it's appropriate and OK?? Have you learned nothing in school and in policy's and patient rights....
  10. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    Made a med error

    Have you ever given Decadron IM before?? Typically it is given Oral (even though IV) mixed as you stated, with children; or it is given IV. To give it IM you had to go get a needle, draw up the...
  11. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    "I Narcanned Your Honor Student"

    Nope, blaming a parent for their child overdosing is not tough love, nor is it compassionate. We aren't given the history and back stories, we don't know the battles the parents faced, we don't know...
  12. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    They were in bed together.

    I think you only get in trouble if you join
  13. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    "I Narcanned Your Honor Student"

    No it
  14. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    When will everyone understand things are different in the ER

    So in the ER at the Mayo Clinic you're telling me that the time you are assigned your patient, to the time you have an assigned bed and are able to give report, is about 30 mins??? Which would mean...
  15. ~Mi Vida Loca~RN

    When will everyone understand things are different in the ER

    If they ask me when the last BM was, I just tell them I just gave them lactulose so I anticipate