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About daquirigoddess

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  1. I am quitting...after almost 7 years.

    Good luck in your new position -it sounds exciting. I am looking at doing acute at the first part of the year and I will miss my patients also. My manager does not allow us to visit at all if we...
  2. HD Nurses: Major differences acutes vs chronics?

    I am in the same boat. I am looking at starting in acute in January. I have 5 years experience with chronic
  3. Just got my RN degree!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well, right now I am currently on maternity leave. I delivered my baby girl 8 days after taking the boards. I plan on returning to work in Feb either back at my outpatient unit or starting to do...
  4. I have worked as an LPN for 13 years and the past 5 have been in dialysis. What should I ask for as an RN in dialysis since I have experience and I have also worked already as a charge nurse in...