CrunchyMama ASN, RN

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About CrunchyMama

Hi, I'm Melissa. I'm from NY. I graduated nursing school 5/2011 and currently work on a medsurg floor. I have 3 kids and a husband who keep me busy when I'm not at work or sleeping. ?

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  1. CrunchyMama

    Can you recommend a RN to BSN school to RN to MSN ?

    I too am slowly looking into programs. It's so overwhelming! I've been an RN for 8 years. I've applied to a handful already and need to figure this out because I'm sick of wondering where I should go....
  2. CrunchyMama

    Circumcision and Pain?

    Absurd that doctors use sucrose for pain relief such as that endured by a
  3. CrunchyMama

    Circumcision and Pain?

    I know, I've read some articles on the sucrose. And I do support it. However, heel sticks are a big difference then a procedure such as a circumcision, don't ya think? No worries about my son....I...
  4. CrunchyMama

    Circumcision and Pain?

    I don't work in OB but have done plenty of research on circumcision and unfortunately it's fairly common for a doctor to not use any pain med or not use enough or not wait the correct time for the...
  5. Yes it's to protect both the nurse AND the patient. But the vaccine isn't 100% effective, so to force someone to do something that may not work is just insane IMO. A vaccine isn't unnatural? Injecting...
  6. I refuse because I try to be careful about what I put in my body and I'm young and have a good immune system, the chance of me dying from the flu is pretty rare. As a matter of fact, I survived...
  7. I think it's crap. Nobody should be forced to inject chemicals in their body. Those at my facility who refused the flu shot (myself included) just have to wear a mask until this outbreak dies down....
  8. No, just 1st name. Our last name is on the back which nobody can see it, I don't know why it's there. I'm glad our last name isn't on the front. I live in a small community and there's patients I've...
  9. CrunchyMama

    Frustrated in BSN program

    I never wanted to go back after my RN degree. But hubby mentioned it one day and I thought what the heck, why not? I was accepted and all set to begin a BSN program next spring. I was almost 2 months...
  10. CrunchyMama

    The new person is a germaphobe.

    I consider myself a germaphobe. I'm constantly squirting my hands at work. I even keep squirty stuff in the van for after we leave a public place, I have the kids squirt their hands too of course. We...
  11. CrunchyMama

    Please give me advice. (future nurse)

    It depends on where you live and the schools in your area. I read on here that some people are on waiting lists and some get turned down because of not having perfect GPAs. Where I live it wasn't that...
  12. Before becoming an RN I was a CNA in a nursing home and worked on he dementia floor. As CNAs we were expeced to bathe all residents who couldn't bathe themselves and even possibly had a shower to do...
  13. CrunchyMama

    Online stats. Anyone take it this way?

    I'm taking it now, online, and I'm having a really hard time. It's an awful useless class! My sister is taking the same class but at the campus and she's not having to do half the stuff I'm having to....
  14. I'll be starting there this
  15. CrunchyMama

    The flu shot making people sick

    I wouldn't feel comfortable working somewhere that forced me to inject toxins into my body. Luckily with nursing, there's plenty of other places to work. If someone wants the vaccines, that's their...