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All Content by OKNurse2be

  1. What is your dream nursing career

    My ultimate dream is to become a CNM. However, that being said, I am open to wherever God leads. I might find that I love something else once I get to clinicals, and also once I graduate I will have to take what I get to earn experience as well and I...
  2. College too easy for it's own good?

    Since I am currently in college, I will weigh in on this. I am attending a community college in OK, and although I will say that college is challenging, much of the challenge is not with the curriculum as much as dealing with the fact that I have chi...
  3. How far do you drive for nursing school?

    No wonder your nickname is TheCommuter! I go to school in Oklahoma too, and I am wondering if you go to my school. If you live in N TX, close to the OK border, it is certainly possible. :) My drive time is roughly 30 minutes in good traffic. I usuall...
  4. Ah, I see.. thank you so much! FT is what I really would want anyway.
  5. Don't mean to hijack the thread, but I am a nursing student so I was wondering if PRN would be worth doing for the sole purpose of getting experience? I am going into the field with minimal work experience in healthcare so I am researching ahead of t...
  6. Dietary policy- vent

    I can totally understand both sides here. The pt wants what they want to eat; what is going to taste good to them and maybe to some extent a sense of something familiar to them away from the comforts of their home. On the other hand, we know that Ham...
  7. Working to become more competitive - advice needed

    I would stick with the teaching job personally. I am not sure how much the "detox Tech" job would benefit you in the long run, and it's better to stay with something that you enjoy than be miserable just for the sake of "a little experience." You tea...
  8. I would relax as much as possible, but brushing up on A&P is not a bad idea and getting the NCLEX book ( I got the Saunders one ) are both going to help you. The type of questions that are asked in nursing school are very different from other cla...
  9. My school is based on Achievement points and the max number of points is 24. For instance, having a prior degree is worth points, and GPA matters in the sense of 3.75+ gives 3 points, 3.5-3.74 gives 2 points, TEAS above 62% gives 3 points, so on and ...
  10. Nursing student afraid of urinary catheters!

    There are skills that I will have to master that give me trepidation right now. Mine is currently inserting IV's or more like poking anything sharp at a pt. However, I tell myself that these are things that will help the pt in the long run even if it...
  11. What do you do?

    I have a question for the mom's out there.... what do you do when you are in nursing school and one of your kids end up sick (Fever + +)? How do you handle it in regards to school. Do you skip class and stay home with the kid? Do you ship em off to b...
  12. Anatomy and Physiology....HELP!

    I think you can do it. It will take a lot of time commitment, but it's doable. Just be prepared to spend A LOT of time studying, and memorizing. A&P is part memorizing and part understanding. You have to know where things are ( memorizing ) and k...
  13. Is a laptop handy in nursing school?

    I think it depends on your learning style. Up until now, I have printed out the powerpoints, and then just highlighted the important stuff and taken notes on the paper under the slides. It works for me that way. I do have a laptop, which I bring with...
  14. Reasons NOT to give APAP for fever?

    As a mom, I get a lot of conflicting signals over this exact issue. I got practically yelled at by a telephone triage nurse for calling 100.3 a fever. However, when I take them to the ER, they give acetaminophen if the temperature is as low as 99.5. ...
  15. New respect for ADN Students

    I am so excited, and terrified. I got accepted for Fall 2012. I am excited to finally be on my way, get started etc, but all my other classes leading up to nursing are going to be piece of cake in comparison. I have checked ratemyprofessors.com as we...
  16. I am confused about my pursuit of becoming an RN?

    The ADN programs are usually 2 years long. They consist of nursing specific courses like Pharmacology, Nursing theory etc. The pre-reqs will be all your sciences, general ed etc that you need for your degree. I had literally NO college experience bef...
  17. Snoring EMS dispatcher

    I would think that just as nurses are responsible to knowing when it's unsafe for them to be working, like fatigue, an EMS worker should be held responsible too. I also am curious though why they couldn't just send an ambulance? I feel that in any pr...
  18. I am confused about my pursuit of becoming an RN?

    I was just accepted into an ADN program at my community college. I chose ADN because I want to have the opportunity to work as a nurse sooner. I am a wife, mother of three etc so the prospect of 2 years in school versus 4 years was a big factor. Not ...
  19. RN Who Wants To Become A Paramedic???

    I can understand that. I still think if being a paramedic is something that you might want to do, then you should go for it. My aforementioned sister in law is also an adrenaline junkie and she loves being a paramedic. She has told me a few stories o...
  20. RN Who Wants To Become A Paramedic???

    Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but if an RN also is a paramedic, that opens up the door to the lucrative world of Flight Nursing ( the most critical pts ). I know that is one of the reasons my paramedic sister in law is going for nursing ev...
  21. Confused Nursing Student....help!!

    I would not worry so much about what kind of nurse you want to be right now, and more just concentrate on getting through nursing school. Most nursing schools will expose you to various areas, such as OB/GYN, Peds, Med-Surg etc so you can get the fee...
  22. Poor GPA :( any RN programs?!

    I would recommend talking to an advisor at your local college or university. You could potentially repeat classes for academic forgiveness and such, but the only way to really know what you can do is to speak to an advisor. You also might need to loo...
  23. A rolling suitcase....really???

    I don't think you need a rolling suitcase. However, they make backpacks that have wheels, just like a rolling suitcase does. I see them all the time at my college and can definitely see the benefit of having that instead of carrying 20 lbs worth of b...
  24. Okay, to be perfectly honest.. A&P 1 and 2 lay a pretty wide foundation for nursing, so if you are struggling with that and also other science courses, then you can pretty much bet you will have a hard time making it in nursing school. That being...
  25. What do I need to know about nursing?

    Nursing, and nursing school is challenging. I haven't even started yet and my head is swimming!! My friends/family who are RN's and LPN's tell me that they have not regretted becoming a nurse and that it is very rewarding. Nurses have a huge responsi...