NO ONE said that more fair taxation of the wealthy would solve the problem. No. one. It's only part of the multiple adjustments that need to be made. I think a good start would not be adding...
Except that the virus could mutate into something much worst than we have now. The Spanish flu epidemic concluded with many deaths among young people in Milwaukee and Chicago. Why would it become...
What makes you think that I don't agree with you on this? I do. It's not right to send this guy back. I thought he had even more status than a green card. The word "Palestinian" should be parsed....
That's the plan to save money. They are just waiting for the boomers to die not realizing that many of them are still working and paying taxes. I'm so totally OK with raising the cap for high...
For what, exactly? Don't you remember Gore talking about the "lockbox?" Ronald Regan was the first president who used SS for a money grab so this has been a long time coming. Gore ran on the...
No comparison. Navahos can live wherever they want . They are generally considered to be citizens of the US for all practical persons. After that they are legal residents of their chosen tribal...
It still won't make sense. Intellectually I know you are right but as a Columbia grad, it made me sick that these demonstrations were allowed on campus. My only recourse is to drop them out of my...
Yale has released no such study. That's just for starters. Yale will not comment on this "study." If you read it what the methadology is, it relies on self-reporting from Covid patients. Now, I...
Trump is trying to warn us that he if screws this one up, it's not his fault. He warned us:( I'm trying to take a let's wait and see attitude but it's increasingly difficult as Trump's only answer...
44%-ish of Gazans voted for Hamas in 2006 but lost to the PL0. That is an extremely significant number of people who supported violence. What I don't know is how cooperative they were in letting...
If they drop the low earning years, doesn't that raise the average income that they use as the basis of your SS earnings? I'm OK with them not using the income I earned on my paper route or stuffing...
Crock of feces. This started as an internet rumor. Yes, Yale did a study which hasn't passed peer review yet and that study indicated no such thing. As Berenson usually does, he takes a little...
It's not getting any better. We still have no transparency re: proof of fraud or overpadding of staff. The German in me makes me scream for efficiency, but we need to base that on trial and error in...
Musk is neither an engineer nor a social scientist ar accountant. He sails alone on his "magnitism" and big Freudian chain saw. We all did a psych rotation and know what crazy looks like. So, no,...