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About TinkerNurse

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  1. Need some reassurance

    Also my bsn I got through western governors university. It's regionally and nationally accredited but it doesn't give out letter grades, what it says on the transcript is if you pass that means you...
  2. Hey everyone just wanted to ask if you all think I have a chance in hell of getting into a crna program. I'd like to go to the one in Columbus at otterbein. My GPA is 3.3 or 3.4, been a nurse for 10...
  3. Wgu august 2016

    Considering going here for rn to bsn, leery of online programs. Is it
  4. RN wanting to move to columbus

    So I've been a nurse for 7 years, 2 of them as an lpn and 5 as an RN. I'm originally lived in ohio but am currently residing in Charleston wv. CAMC is the big dog out here and I literally could apply...
  5. Wanting to move to perth

    Hey all couple questions. First I am an ADN RN and I am interested in moving to Perth. If read several links but still a bit in the dark. What is the process? Is it difficult? Second part of my...
  6. NPs practicing as DRs

    I don't mean to seem like I am saying all graduates are jokes, just the school. They screw their students over in many circumstances and are sketchy when it comes to how they handle student loans,...
  7. NPs practicing as DRs

    U of P is a
  8. Let's me guess...AP nursing flooded too?

    I already said I'd need to work a few years in an early post, my state does, and there exists an organized effort for FNPs to be able to practice
  9. Let's me guess...AP nursing flooded too?

    I think rural areas that MDs/DO avoid will be our bread and
  10. Let's me guess...AP nursing flooded too?

    I know right? Plus I'm going to have to eat ramen for two or three years if I get a position in order to pay for it lol. I'd love to have my own little office in a rural
  11. Let's me guess...AP nursing flooded too?

    I really hope you're right!!! Ty for the post! I am kinda amazed at frontier. I've just started but I'm extremely impressed by it so
  12. Let's me guess...AP nursing flooded too?

    Ever gave any thought to opening your own center? I fully expect for it to be hard as hell for me to find a position as a fnp by the time i graduate. I plan on hopefully opening my own small
  13. Let's me guess...AP nursing flooded too?

    Huh? Who are you asking that? And I'd question spending a lot more money getting another advanced practice degree if you're in a part of the country where advanced practice nursing is flooded/under...
  14. Let's me guess...AP nursing flooded too?

    Thank you do much for your kind words! It really isn't about money to me. I was actually a biochem major but a nurse saved my life and inspired me to want to help others, the way she helped me. She...
  15. Let's me guess...AP nursing flooded too?

    I think tuition is like 35k for the bridge but they start you at a lil over 20k a year in student loans. I'm assuming that's for misc things like