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All Content by USC2001

  1. What type of nursing experience is best for becoming an NP?

    I would reccommend getting experience before starting an MSN program. I just finished my FNP program (yesterday, actually, I graduated). When I started I had 2yrs experience in L&D. I then switched to Home Health for the past yr. Its not impossib...
  2. opinions Crosscountry Travcorp

    I am also starting w/ Novapro in Jan 2007. My friend traveled with them and really enjoyed her experience. They have been very nice and accomodating for me.
  3. NRP Classes

    Hey everyone, I need your help with a problem. I worked in L&D for 4.5 yrs and then have been doing Home Health for 8 months. I am going to go do some travel nursing and the majority of the positions are in L&D. The problem is I let my NRP ex...
  4. working your way through NP school

    I worked 36hrs a week (nights) for the first year. When I started my clinicals I dropped down to 32hrs, which just those 4 little hours made a big difference in my sanity. However now that I am in my last semester and am doing clinicals all the time ...
  5. Patients refusing Pitocin

    I had a pt last night, primip, 30yrs, 1/90%/-1 (hey at least she was thinned out :)) contracting every 10 mins, 41 wks (hey- how did that happen- I didn't know you could stay pregnant that long under an OB's care :chuckle ), who was dying from pai...
  6. Personal L&D w/son...want your opinions?? LONG

    Could the "sample of the cervix" been a Fetal Fibronectin (FFN) maybe? That is something they would do if you were preterm, but I don't know about at 36 wks (that would be too late I would think). Sorry for your experience!
  7. I work in L&D and we had one come in the other night via EMS with baby in arms! Swears she wasn't pregnant! She had delivered at work (CVS) in the bathroom. She said she just felt "woozy" all day and then felt contispated and went to the bathroom...
  8. Frequency of vaginal exams during labor

    Alot of our docs are too exam-happy for my taste. I try to minimize my vag exams. We have some docs though that will check a pt literally 5 min after you so they can say "she's 7-8" when you said she was 7cm. Ok...and how does that change our paln of...
  9. pushing with an epidural

    I agree with Deb (of course :)). Even with an epidural I have found that most pts can feel the pressure when the head moves down to a +2 station, even if they couldn't before. One of the great things about working nights is you can labor down a pt be...
  10. Patient didn't know she was pregnant

    I had a heavy-set pt one time that went to her doc for dizziness, nausea, heartburn, etc. Her BP was up and they perscribed a BP med without doing the pregancy test. Well a couple weeks later she goes to the ER (of the only hospital in town without a...
  11. can you really tell the difference?

    I wanted to be a CNM too when I graduated nursing school. Well, I have gotten 2 years experience in L&D and changed my mind. I really would rather teach and work L&D part-time. I have alot of respect for CNMs and alot of the time I feel like ...
  12. I have even done the hands and knees position with an epidural when mom was small and didn't have too strong of an epidural. I was so excited the first time I was able to get a baby to turn by pushing in this position! I was bragging to everybody! :)
  13. Pt's C/O in the ER (funny)

    Allergic to: ambien ativan loritab phenergan demerol morphine etc Nurse- "have you ever had any surgery or been hospitalized?" Pt- "no" Nurse-"Any medical problems?" Pt-"no" Ok... how the heck do you know you are allergic to all these wonderful drugs...
  14. Inductions with Pitocin??

    Congratulations!! Enjoy your new baby and try to get some rest! :rotfl:
  15. Inductions with Pitocin??

    We use Pitocin on VBACs but are just real cautious with it. Our normal protocol is to increase by 2mu q15min. On a VBAC the docs usually do 2mu q30-40 mins and put a cap on high you can go up. I still think though unless you have been sitting at the ...
  16. Inductions with Pitocin??

    Amen. Good advice!
  17. Do you insert Cytotec for inductions?

    Yeah it certainly does. I probably should have said that that was from the SC BON.
  18. Do you insert Cytotec for inductions?

    Here is what it says on the web site: Advisory Opinions Question 44 Question: Is it within the role and scope of practice for the registered nurse (RN) to insert prostaglandin analogs (e.g., misoprostol) into the lady parts for cervical ripening or...
  19. Do you insert Cytotec for inductions?

    Huh? Thou Cytotec can be used to abort, we are talking about how in L&D we use it to induce a term pt into labor. Just like they use Pitocin, Prostaglandin gel, etc.
  20. Do you insert Cytotec for inductions?

    Huh? Thou Cytotec can be used to abort, we are talking about how in L&D we use it to induce a term pt into labor. Just like they use Pitocin, Prostaglandin gel, etc.
  21. Precipitous Labor

    Oh yeah that has happened before. I had a pt who was G2P1 and had a normal length labor with her first baby. She came in and was 3cm,70%, -1, intact and contracting about every 5-7 min, but rated her pain at a 6 and wasn't even breathing with her ctx...
  22. Do you insert Cytotec for inductions?

    We use Cytotec for ripening of the cervix the night before a Pitocin induction. The docs used to insert the first dose and then we would insert subsequent doses. However.... there was a big uproar in Novemeber or so becuase the SC state board of nurs...
  23. Woman refuses CS, charged with murder

    What I don't understand is why did she go to three different hospitals for decreased fetal movement if she didn't want anything done about it? If you are going to refuse medical attention then don't go to the hospital!
  24. Hyperstimulation?

    We usually send people home that do not make a cervical change. HOWEVER, I would not have sent your friend home, nor would any of my charge nurses have let me. One of the reasons is it was her 4th child and that makes her have the potential for a fas...
  25. Induction craze

    I just had to add this story that I heard last night. One of the nurses at work that has been there for awhile said that we used to have a DR (who is retired now- thank goodness!) who would put Cytotec in his pts at the office so they would come in "...