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All Content by gcupid

  1. why can't nurses get safe staffing laws passed

    "I do not want to see staff sitting around because there is nothing to do." Are you serious? The last 12hr shift I worked I was running back and forth like a chicken with my head cut off from 7 to about 3:30. I made myself take a seat for 10 min and...
  2. Nursing Director removed my pts restraints

    welcome to nsg LoL! Complete foolishness! I bet her directing self wouldnt have taken him out of restraints if she had to take care of him. :)
  3. What is a challenging specialty

    Nursing is an art as well as hardcore at times. There are plenty of nurses who IQ's are higher than mine. I can tell they are high IQ from interaction, memorization, etc. but it doesn't necessarily make them a better nurse. To answer your question...
  4. Know of any Crisis travel jobs in houston,Florida?

    I wasnt providing justification alone. I was giving an example of critical thinking. Maybe you'd see how ignorant u sound. How many strikes that have occured in the past have only affected one hospital alone? You are the one that sounds silly. Just a...
  5. How do people feel about male nurses?

    i think many patients prefer us. Ive heard over and over again that "yall make the best nurses"
  6. But im wiling to bet even the ones who start off as interested only in basic bedside see the abuse and repeated horrible working conditions and get out. If working conditions were better I bet even some would stay at bedside because life can get tric...
  7. best and brightest are smart enough to realize quickly the dysfunction in nursing even if there main goal is to stay. We have to make the working conditions better for professionals and not keep it a dumping ground and abusive with low pay.
  8. Know of any Crisis travel jobs in houston,Florida?

    There's no need to rationalize working a strike. It's not like those nurses are seeking justification for an egregious crime. All you have to do is have the ability to critically think. Just because you can do something doesn't necessarily mean you ...
  9. New Grad NP hourly wage in Bay Area

    I'd be in the group that would request more money if I enjoyed working at the place. But Why should NP's waste time coming up with business proposals when it's clear that he recognizes the trend of workers leaving during a certain time period mark an...
  10. Floating policies- Tenet

    report hospital and report hospital everytime u hear of one of your coworkers floating and refuse to accept a tele assignment but be willing to assist would be motto until another job calls me back for an interview.
  11. Refusing to change/toilet pts

    I have no issue with helping CNA's, but I'm usually seen as the slow one because I'rarely clock out on time and other nsg interventions are delayed bc I am doing basic care. I strongly believe if nursing was male dominated, this wouldn't even be a ...
  12. just roll your eyes so,so, so hard that the person that it's directed towards can feel it. Then smile.
  13. What's something you never expected as a male nurse?

    Never expected 1. how much women love each other face to face but hate each other behind one another's back. 2. The acceptance of bullying. 3. lack of communication between doctors & nurses. 4. to be held responsible for every...
  14. I wouldn't do it unless I wanted to do it because that's one of the benefits of being per diem. More schedule flexibility. What if you have a full time job and a prn? It's stupid. So at one place being alpha then the other bravo. Or choose which on...
  15. As many interruptions as a nurse can get. Some of us will be clocking out 2 hours or more pass our shift if we stopped instantly to go reach a warm blanket or perform whatever task desired right away for the patients, family & friends, docs, and ...
  16. Do whats best for your life. I'd just start filling out apps now and that way if you are fired u can have a head start on employment prospects should u return with no job. if not fired, decline opportunities unless you will enter a new area in which ...
  17. Quitting during Orientation?!?!?!

    I wouldnt even worry about being listed as a dnr for a nursing home if you are in nursing school. They will need you before you need them. I'd email the person responsible for giving you the opportunity and list the reason behind quiting and if he/...
  18. Has anyone seen a change after the reporting of hospital(s) for unsafe conditions? I desire to report another hospital for safety concerns but I feel that it will be a waste of time and also possibly cause issues for me in the future. I reporte...
  19. Manager interrupting

    unfortunately, you know it's the culture of nursing.
  20. No rehire !!!!!!!!!!

    We all know that changing specialties, or different campuses or sometimes even a different floor can make all the difference in the world within the same company. You shouldn't be DNR'd from an entire system of hospitals over an unfit match. Even ...
  21. Wanting to change specialties

    Psych facilities vary so much among patient population and nursing responsibility in my eyes. There were certain psych floors in which acutely sick patient's were admitted who needed iv abx, fluids etc. and then there are others in which they wont e...
  22. all of it is hard.
  23. How to handle getting overwhelmed...

    welcome to nursing...
  24. My Charge Nurse acts like I ask too many questions

    I dont know how many times you ask questions throughout the shift in order to give a personal response in regards to if its bothering "the charge" too much. What I can tell you from my experiences is that you can wear your resource out if you keep g...
  25. OP It depends on if you are a RN. Everyone knows that RN stands for "Refreshments and Narcotics!" I would most definitely report you if i were a coworker/patient.