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  1. Taking Net

    Hey all I am taking my NET test in march and I am really stressed out about it because I suck at math. I bought the NET study guide from eriworld. com and I was wondering if studying alot would help...
  2. What ahould I do???

    Hey all I was wondering what I should do. Should I do LPN school first or should I just go straight to RN school???Help I need to know what to
  3. Unit Secretery

    What is it like to be a unit secretery. I am taking the medical terminology course in feb and I was wondering if anyone ever worked in a hospital as a unit
  4. challenge cna exam.?

    The written exam is way easier than the clinical part. The written is easy stuff all you have to do on that is study the basic things a cna does. The clincal part is the hardest make sure you wash...
  5. CNA's: What's your favorite shift?

    I work 7-3 it is kind of stressful but once you get the hang of things then its not so bad. Like your day flies by so fast and yes you have the big bosses but where i work they actually help you. I...
  6. I made 11.53 right after my cna class. That was when i was certified