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All Content by PMHNP10

  1. I guess the hiring mngr. can think as they wish, but the thought process is a bit faulted, IMHO. A nurse can leave any time they'd like, wheter they travel or not. For example, I left a job I enjoyed so I could try travel nursing and see other part...
  2. BON Bulletin

    In TX we get the "Texas Board of Nursing Bulletin" every quarter. Within the publication are changes to NPA, other changes that effect nurses, accreditation status's for schools, and a list of naughty nurses who get taught a lesson...errr...I mean a...
  3. BON Bulletin

    absolutely those folks need to be disciplined, but how many mess up because they don't chart something or they make a mistake due to having too great of a pt. load 300 nurses in a quarter seems like a huge number to be down right corrupt nurses; mayb...
  4. BON Bulletin

    there but for the grace of God, go thee kinda my point with this thread was to get an idea if there was something specifically going on in TX where folks were getting in trouble more frequently; and curious it that's solely because we are a more liti...
  5. I must is not below me to take that piece of propaganda and stick it in the urinal face up; nothing subliminal to the message I'm sending back:saint:
  6. How to get an RN job in HOUSTON

    I wish I could help you right now, but I think that in part it depends on who you know, unfortunately. I'm praying for just an interview to this one place and am getting nada. Finally I got a name of an employee and included that on my app., so let...
  7. Nurses Make The Big Bucks

    "Make The Big Bucks" little makes me cringe more than that phrase
  8. Travelling Nurse--new grads welcome?

    and given all of the responses saying minimal qualifications to be a travel nurse and the reasons for those qualifications, if a travel agency has an assignment for you and the hospital is willing to bring you in, run for z hills; don't hesitate; don...
  9. Job Switch??

    It's fascinating how life happens. I am in that job folks go to who want to get away from the floor--regular hrs., regular days off, less danger to your license and consequently, less pay. I've been fairly ok with the pay issues but I'm having more...
  10. I can not believe it!

    Welcome to the university. Are you going to be in the generic BSN program or the accel-BSN?
  11. safe harbor

    perhaps, but I've also heard people say that signing paperwork where you acknowledge you are taking an unsafe assignment is like putting a nice watch in your pocket that you didn't pay for and announcing that you plan on walking out the store with th...
  12. exercising/working out on work days

    I don't work nights nor 12s, unfortunately; I work M-F 9-5 and wake up at 5ish to get to the gym where I do a half hr. cardio (today I jogged on a treadmill, somethimes I do a stair climber, sometimes an eliptical apparatus thingy); then I pick a mus...
  13. Perpetuating the myths

    I was just thinking about some rumors/false information that we hear before, during, or after nursing school that we believe only to find out our beliefs were wrong. I'll give a couple examples: 1. I thought that if you get retested for TB too soon,...
  14. Phys. Exam/Diff. Dx. class

    ah...finally a willing poster I believe the one I'll be taking will be 1x/wk, 2 hrs lecture, 3 hrs lab (where we do the exams). It'll consist of weekly writeups/papers, 3 or 4 exams, and of course a final checkoff on a general H/P as well as an "epi...
  15. Phys. Exam/Diff. Dx. class

    what does your class consist of--hrs. in class/lab, tests, papers, writeups, etc.? since it's arguably the most important class you'll take in your NP program, it should reasonably not be an easy class; on a 0-10 scale (perfectly appropriate to draw...
  16. Perpetuating the myths

    I guess I could add this one...I thought that if you had a stroke and actually survived, life was pretty much over. Little did I know, recovery is possible, although not a sure thing even with the most aggressive of treatments I'll never forget one ...
  17. Perpetuating the myths

    excellent would take nearly a full line of air to cause damage
  18. Perpetuating the myths

    pagandeva sounds like you are a victim of the info available at that time rather a rumor per se...another example is with chest compressions and CPR; initially it was different for kids and adults, but with research, it became standard across the boa...
  19. pregnancy and night shift

    When I worked my first nursing job, which was on nights, one of my coworkers was pregnant and she did well working until about a week before the birth. My wife also works nights and she had some significant edema early on (quite possibly because she...
  20. Perpetuating the myths

    Thank you. Hopefully I will have unprecedented success with this thread at garnering responses (my threads tend not to gain much discussion) because i too think it could be very valuable (and fun for those of us who were became victim of the rumor m...
  21. Perpetuating the myths

    o goodie...I get to bust the myth go to page 40 (p. 3 of the PDF); left column under: "Are some candidates chosen at random to answer 265 questions?" btw...NSNA is the National Student Nurses' Ass...
  22. Phys. Exam/Diff. Dx. class

    it's been a week; so noone is/has taken this class? is it not a standard class (although the name may vary) for every aspiring CNS or NP?
  23. Getting your need from someone else.

    I honestly don't know. My initial response would be to say I'd just stick with masterbation to "feed that need". On the other hand, there is no replacement for that 1 on 1 sexual contact; but then again, would it even be enjoyable with someone else...
  24. "weed-out" classes

    Your assumption is correct. So maybe "weed out" isn't the correct terminology. I used the term because I've heard the PE/DD course at the school I'll be attending described as such and figured this was not uncommon. I think the feeling that the cl...
  25. "weed-out" classes

    what class at your school is generally considered the most difficult (I know, with so many to choose from, why limit it to 1)? why is it so difficult?