Phys. Exam/Diff. Dx. class


what does your class consist of--hrs. in class/lab, tests, papers, writeups, etc.? since it's arguably the most important class you'll take in your NP program, it should reasonably not be an easy class; on a 0-10 scale (perfectly appropriate to draw comparisons to the pain scale), where would yours rank?

it's been a week; so noone is/has taken this class? is it not a standard class (although the name may vary) for every aspiring CNS or NP?

Specializes in Emergency, Cardiac, PAT/SPU, Urgent Care.

Our class was once per week, four hours long (included lecture and lab hours) and also involved 75 clinical hours where we were paired up with an NP or physician to see peform H&Ps on patients.

We had written exams; as well as practical exams where we had to demonstrate our skills on a partner.

We also had several written assignments which included H&P write ups about patients who we saw in clinical. This is where we had to come up with our differentials and explain why they should be included as differentials. We also continue to do these write ups in more detail as we move through the various clinical courses.

On a scale of 1-10, I would probably rate my course as an 8 on the level of difficulty. We really had to have our "stuff" down pat in order to pass the exams.

ah...finally a willing poster

I believe the one I'll be taking will be 1x/wk, 2 hrs lecture, 3 hrs lab (where we do the exams). It'll consist of weekly writeups/papers, 3 or 4 exams, and of course a final checkoff on a general H/P as well as an "episodic" exam where I believe we check out a professional patient with a given Dx and we determine what's wrong...or something like that

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