

Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse

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All Content by Eleven011

  1. Phys. Assessment for Standing Meds

    I would not do an assesment everytime unless I had guidance from a Dr. order on what to do with results of an assesment - For example - hold med if hyperactive bowel sounds. Or, like others mentioned, it was told to me student was having obvious d...
  2. 2 weeks closed

    We are closed for this week so far. I am hourly also, and am at work cleaning, and helping anywhere else I'm needed to prep for elearning/home learning and meal service. We didn't have to come in if we didn't want to, but we would have not been pa...
  3. If your school is closed re COVID19, what is your role

    The governor has just asked my states schools to close next week. We have a meeting after school to figure out what that means to us hourly staff that can't really "work from home". Kids are excited, I'm not so sure...
  4. Hand dermatitis a seeking away from bedside job.

    I bet I wash my hands as much as an inpatient nurse, but I am certain I don't put on gloves as much. Not sure if that would help your situation or not.
  5. Spring Break

    Enjoy your break! I know many schools get one, but we don't have a Spring break ? In fact our next days off arent' until April 10th/13th for Easter and then that's it until school is out for the Summer. Of course, we'll probably get a blizzard!
  6. Got my P & G stuff today!

    Same as last year - box of pads for girls, tiny deodorants for boys. But at least they came quickly and I can set a date now!
  7. Nightmare Principals Man...

    TLDR - Too long, didn't read. Basically its a summary of the post in case you don't have time to read it all.
  8. School sponsored travel

    Our school and community is small and only offer up these trips every 3-4 years. This is an off year, so we are in the clear, thankfully.
  9. 50 school days left until Summer

    56 days left for me! I've had the countdown printed since Christmas!
  10. Your favorite extracurriculars?

    I am also the identifier of every stray pill found anywhere in or around the building. Panic had ensued not too long ago as staff presented me with a bright red and blue capsule - "this looks ominous! I found it in the corner of the room!" Me: "I...
  11. Medication Storage

    I just got a new office this year, and I have meds in an actual wall cabinet like in a clinic, with a counter top underneath. They are lockable and right beside a sink with a cup dispenser.
  12. How do you get a sub?

    This is one of the worst parts of my job! I am responsible for finding a replacement for me, and it sucks! I don't know why, I'm the only one in the school who can't call in to the secretary, but its always been that way, and you know how that go...
  13. Supply Question

    I have to submit an order/budget to our finance manager around this time of the year for supplies I need next year. Then it all gets ordered over the Summer and I come back to work to a large pile of supplies to be put away. They like us to get a...
  14. Time tracking spreadsheet/comp time

    I get it now. I think there are some apps for your phone that would work for this too.
  15. OTC meds for Staff

    I don't budget for it, so no, I don't. Most of the staff I'm friendly enough with that if they are having a horrible headache and forgot to bring any pain relievers with them, I'll just give them a couple from my purse like any friend at work would...
  16. Time tracking spreadsheet/comp time

    How do you track hours to be paid? Do you have a timecard or such, or are you salaried? We clock in and out on our computers, and then use that system to keep track of our time.
  17. Happy Valentine's Day!!

    I have already had a yummy roll from our secretary, ordered lunch with staff from our local restaurant, and my desk is full of candy, cookies and valentine cheezits (who knew??). How's your "thank God it's Friday" Valentine's Day going??
  18. School Nurse Pay

    I am paid hourly, but it is put into contract form - X number of school days x 7.5 hours a day = yearly pay and then divided up x 12 monthly paychecks. If I would be required to work extra or take of time without pay, they would factor that into e...
  19. Attendance Overboard

    I am lucky to have admin that understand the balance of me trying to keep healthy kids in school vs. the sick ones at home.
  20. Pink Eye Policy

    Sure, go ahead! Our handbook was pretty lacking too, so I gathered all the "assumed" policies I could think of and wrote them up. Had our local doc look them over and give his nod of approval and they were added to the handbook.
  21. Providing Care to Staff

    I do many things for staff - mostly b/p checks, some lice checks on the uber paranoid, "what do you think of this rash/spot" type thing. But nothing treatment wise like a shot. I would have offered the same as you, come into the clinic and I'd be...
  22. Pink Eye Policy

    This is what is in our handbook (I re-wrote the medical section of our handbook my 2nd year here) - 5. Pink eye (conjunctivitis) : Parents/guardians of any student with the signs and symptoms of Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye (inside of eyes red, eyes itch...
  23. Almost couldn't keep it together....

    Ok, so I have two 4th grade boys that come in at the same time after lunch. One is a diabetic and does his calculation and shot, the other gets his meds. Jokers, good boys. So first kid comes in (diabetic) and starts doing his thing, I see second...
  24. How? Just, HOW?!

    I have had three separate "stapled my finger" incidents! (middle school teachers are starting to hide their staplers!) Never stapled together though. One, the student had already removed themselves and I just cleaned and bandaged. The second was...
  25. tick tock....1 more sleep

    LOL, no. Our HS kids were taking to skipping fun days before vacations, so they were told those days were required attendence. It got them nicknamed "mandatory fun" by the kids, and the staff just went with it. Been a running joke for awhile now...