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About Nurse&

Nurse& specializes in Nursing.

I am a wife&mom of 2 .Nurse

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  1. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    I appreciate your summary of her thread . it make sense & yes it did occur to me that she could have been saying the same you have just explained above . I too have done some clinicals and...
  2. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    Ok. take care
  3. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    ..i stand by my opinion .. I know exactly who is missing 'a point around here :coollook: lol... did complaining changed the situation ? good luck in your nursing
  4. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    I am for both your opinion and lilmarcha's below here to whom you replied . 1st -Why on her side ? because some nurses those who tend to look down on cna's ( Yes we know they exist) so these...
  5. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    YES DEFENSIVE of cna's & nurses LPN's in particular why? because of the work they do. Everyone called nurse went to pass the board exam. Got it on the first attempt ( speaking for myself here) ....
  6. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    Because it is a public forum we all are free to express our opinion. ... . She asked for honest answer and that what i see ppl doing here , at least i did in my opinion . You don't agree with the...
  7. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    "Anyway, we are beating a dead horse. Clinicals are going to be what they are. Some will be good, some, not so much. I will go on, pass my boards, and continue on to my MSN, which is my short term...
  8. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    I am only speaking from my experience and what the BSN did when i worked few years ago in a NH. Yes They did more in service , working along with Dr's, social worker , Physical therapist i mean...
  9. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    That why it may be best at time to consider starting from bottom up by the time you learn a little bit of everything from being Cna, Lpn, Rn , working you knowlege and skills up. Some ppl choose going...
  10. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    Well explained . All i saw in her post was complaint . This will help not just her but everyone who will come across your
  11. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    The nurse BSN duty if working in a LTC is more supervision and little hand on , i am talking of a full licensed one . . Therefore in my message i am saying that the BSN student could use this time...
  12. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    On the job training is the answer . Just as you did with passing meds . you trained yourself and got better and better .Don't get me wrong it sad to not have enough training &practicing toward...
  13. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    YEs she did you can tell in her quote " I BSN student " and her other quote " I fully appreciate that I can learn a lot from an LPN and these people bust their A** all day, every day. My issue is...
  14. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    I was born to be a Nurse that is why my language barrier never come in between while in the schooling process . nursing is my Passion . I have it in my heart.... love , care , compassion that always...
  15. Am I crazy, because this seems VERY WRONG...

    Let clarify something when RN's in clinical rotation are put to work with LPN's it not so that the RN could learn from the LPN but for the RN to get comfortable in her new supervising position...