In Spring 2007 I started the 1st semester of El Centro's ADN program. I worked very hard for 3 years getting all A's just to get into the program. I got in and within a month I had to make the tough...
Im just going by what Baylor in Dallas does. They have a 12 hour Saturday and 12 hour Sunday weekend shift where you get paid for 36 hours and get full benefits. I was trying to see if any of the...
I'm interested in kowing which Houston area hospitals offer WEEKEND incentive programs. I'd love to find a Saturday / Sunday only with full benefits. Thanks in
I just ran across this post and I am in the same situation now. The class I am currently enrolled in puts me at 93 hours and I start a Radiologic Technology program in May. I saw that the last post...
Spill, I am really sorry about your check off. I know exactly how you feel. I agree, Iris is wonderful. When you were practicing radial pulse on me yesterday it seemed that your fingernails were in...
Thanks Jaxia and Yang for trying to cheer me up. I was SO anxious yesterday and couldn't focus on studying much. I didn't sleep well either. I *THINK* I passed the test...I got a 74 but really...
Our instructor told us to verbalize when we were doing respirations but she mentioned that it was for check off purposes only and not to do it in real life. So I guess it just depends on the...
Katie, It was nice to FINALLY meet you! I kind of thought that was you when I saw you in the hallway looking into our classroom. I figured you recognized Spill from the pictures she posted.
Katie -- Thank you so much for your encouraging words. It seems like physical assessment would be the hardest check off with all those (39!) steps. Jaxia -- You are so funny.
Yang....I know how you feel. I failed too - my #'s were too far off from hers on apical and radial pulses. I was SO nervous. I am seriously considering changing my major. Today is not the 1st time...
I was wondering if this thread is still alive. I am currently in 1st semester of an ADN RN program and am seriously considering dropping my program since I am feeling that nursing might not be for...
NLN accreditation DOES matter in some situations like for people who want to go onto a Master's program. Some Master's programs will only accept applicants with a BSN from a NLN accredited school....