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  1. St Joseph College of Maine Reviews

    Hi NataschasaxU Welcome to Saint Joesph So far the school has been o.k there was a rough start when it came to clinicals but seems like they have worked out some of the bugs. I am completing my...
  2. I agree less fluff and more things related to practice. More communication between students and falculty. Reduction in tuition. Students learn better by doing more time should be spent in clinicals....
  3. starting schedule?

    I'm in the same situation I work day shifts and I am stuck working every weekend so I can have two days a week to do my clinicals I had to beg my boss to work ten hour shifts unstead of eight so I can...
  4. St Joseph College of Maine Reviews

    I liked the self pace that was great but now that we are about to start the first round of clinicals they are going to be in a cohort which means each clinical rotation is going to take 15 weeks which...
  5. St Joseph College of Maine Reviews

    wrdoc2B I sent you a private message with my email address so you can contact
  6. How to pay for it all?

    I have student loans but did get some tuition reimbursment about 3 thous. dollars worth not really a whole lot but when I am done I plan on applying for a student loan repay off
  7. AANP study tips

    I recently met both Hollier and fitzgerald at the AANP conferance both where very knowledge able about the certification and where very nice. I met other NP at the conferance and many of them had...
  8. Just passed AANP!!!!

    congrats on
  9. St Joseph College of Maine Reviews

    well almost finished with the research class and it is a lot of work also started the NP theory class which is also a lot of work, Still awaiting to here when clinicals will start. Hopefully I will...
  10. I also go to st. joes so far it is going well for me starting first round of clinicals very
  11. St Joseph College of Maine Reviews

    Hi I am a Saint Joseph College student in the FNP program hopefully one of the first people who will get to graduate in 2012 in the FNP
  12. I found them used online check ebay and
  13. working while in FNP school

    I work full time and go to school full time. If you really want to make it work u can do it I study every where lunch break at work, in the park with the kids, while I am waiting under the dryer at...
  14. Good I just purchased some used fitzgerald cd's today $200 hope they will be worth
  15. has anybody taken this necessary review for fnp review? if so how did you like it and did you pass your exam? has anybody purchesed her cd's or books and if so how did you like it? i am thinking...