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  1. Is Victor Valley College nursing a lottery draw???

    A little late on the posting, but I am attending VVC, will start NP3 in 9 days yikes!!! From my experience VVC has a great nursing program. When I aplied they still had the lotery system, because of the high deman there are always more students tha...
  2. Getting Report

    Hi, Im in NP1, first semester of nursing. Today we had an exercise about getting report at the beginning of shift. Basically a student was given a list of things to pass on to another students including vitals, labs, pts info, etc. They timed us a...
  3. Bad eval

    that gave me a quick chuckle:lol2:
  4. Does anyone get their books unbound?

    Yeah, I thought about doing this too with my fundamentals book, but there is just so much pride to owning this book or any other books for that matter (to me anyway) the thought of doing this to a book makes me sad:( It's like, looking at a flower an...
  5. Just wondering about you guys....(I have questions)

    It will most stressful, definetly. I've been sick the last couple of days and my husband swears is stress/anxiety related to starting school on Monday. I think he might be on to something. I need to buy vitamins and airborne, I cannot afford to ge...
  6. Sketchers for clinicals?

    Thanks guys!:) I went to foot locker to pick mine up today, my kids and hubby were laughing at my big shoes:clown: I love them, I'm set for my 12 hr shift:up:
  7. Sketchers for clinicals?

    I am starting nursing process 1 on Monday and my first clinical day will be on Saturday:yeah: Our school requires all white shoes, which were hard to find since most have some kind of logo in color. I was glad to find the sketchers in all white so I...
  8. Interview left me speechless

    WOW!!! I'm speechless:eek: Although we are in a time where we are so desperate to take whatever job comes our way, in situations like this we have to think about it and see where we stand morally and ethically. I would not work under someone like t...
  9. I dread vitals:chair: which makes me feel so imcompetent already because I think this is one of the most important aspects of nursing. How lame is that? ugh:hlk:
  10. Is nursing the right choice?

    Congratulations!!!! OMG how awesome=) Yes, the wait is 2 yrs, unfortunatly. IDK, Im thinking of going for my BA in Psychology while I wait. I think it would be beneficial if Im hoping to go into oncology as a nurse. Gosh, I would love to be as exc...
  11. Dental Hygienist turning Nurse (hopefully)

    Thank you so much for your response. Sorry I took forever to respond=( I am now taking Developmental Psych, and will apply this coming Spring to Nursing. The wait will be long, but worth it=)
  12. Is nursing the right choice?

    Yes, I know. I would like to work for City of Hope. That would be awesome dont yu think?? well Im on my way, I will keep posting as I go. take care=)
  13. Is nursing the right choice?

    Thank you sweetie=) I will apply in the Spring of 2009. I hadnt taken developmental psych because you dont need it for dental hygiene. You do require Chem 201, 202, and organic chem tho. I think you need more pre reqs for hygiene than nursing. Wel...
  14. What Is Atp?

    haha:chuckle I never thought of ATP as money. Leave to CSantos to come up with an idea like this.
  15. Dental Hygienist or Nursing??
