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About erik4026

erik4026 specializes in Ortho/Pharmacuectical.

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  1. Eligibility questions for application for NCLEX-RN

    I checked my state criminal record via my govt website (had to pay for it) and nothing showed up. But, I am going to check yes because they are two arrests and I did plead guilty and paid a fine for one citation the other I only paid a fine for. I j...
  2. I will be moving to Texas and am filling out my application for NCLEX RN. I don't have any misdemeanors or felonies. I have been arrested twice for underage drinking but only fines resulted from that and i suppose citations to which i pleaded guilt...
  3. JHH Main Campus - new grads?

    What is the interview process like....are there clinical questions? on the shadowing part do you actually do clinical things or just shadow and ask questions? Just nervous and want to be be prepared for whats coming
  4. JHH Main Campus - new grads?

    hey, i have an interview there coming long did it take them to decide if they would hire you?
  5. Hopkins Starting Pay

    if it is salary do you still get paid for overtime worked at 1.5 hours...also do you get extra for holidays and shift differentials?
  6. GPA's and Such

    I am a new graduate and will be applying to CRNA school hopefully within the next 3-4 years. In my BSN I was sure I did not want to do CRNA but then i shadowed an loved it. DO you know what GPA's schools are looking for, including science GPA's? ...
  7. Salary to expect as a new grad nurse

    where are these loan repayment schools? i would be all for that
  8. Salary to expect as a new grad nurse

    Henry Ford, DMC, or Beumont new grad hourly pay? anyone know?
  9. Looking for info on NP's as hospitalist

    I am in Michigan, so midwest but also when i graduate I am willing to go just about anywhere. As a new RN what ICU do u think will be most beneficial to my future practice?
  10. Looking for info on NP's as hospitalist

    I'm finishing up nursing school and i have shadowed a few NP's how are hospitalist and I know that is something I want to go into. Does anyone have info on the future of NP's as hospitalists, job market/demand? I am looking to apply to a 20 bed CCM...
  11. I am interested in NICU, when i did my peds rotation last year i was on a step-down like nicu unit and really enjoyed, i have since wanted to either work in nicu or burn ( i know quite different)...but can you give me advice on where new grads are ab...