marshmallowstar BSN, RN

Peds, Neuro Surg, Trauma, Psych

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All Content by marshmallowstar

  1. marshmallowstar

    Patient First Urgent Care?

    Hi, Has anyone interviewed with/work for Patient First, they're an urgent care chain in the Mid Atlantic. I searched for previous posts and they're all several years old, and we all know cultures can change. Just wondering what the experience is li...
  2. marshmallowstar

    Problems with q15 rounds

    We assign q15 rounds in 1 hour blocks at the beginning of the shift, nurses are in the rotation just the same as MHWs. On the RARE occasion that Q15s didn't get done (it's only happened once for me and it was when two behavioral codes were happening...
  3. marshmallowstar

    How do nurses view psychologists?

    Davey, I've been waiting for you to chime in and you never disappoint :) :) :)
  4. marshmallowstar

    How do nurses view psychologists?

    That's great that your unit has psychologists doing assessments and therapy, a lot of hospitals have cut it out sadly. The unit I worked on has an incredibly tight treatment team that all rely on each other's input and work. Concerns that some Psy...
  5. marshmallowstar

    Medication error

    I agree, the university systems I've worked for preform root cause analysis on errors to find out if there are system issues that need to be evaluated. Organizations that look for individual scapegoats are not healthy places to work. It would be dif...
  6. marshmallowstar

    Urgent dental needs

    THIS. I worked for an FQHC and our dentists would squeeze in emergent patients. FQHCs do sliding scale and have case workers and assistants to help patients sign up for insurance. Sometimes the bureaucracy of the larger FQHCs can be difficult to nav...
  7. marshmallowstar

    Patient First Urgent Care?

    In case anyone is looking for this info in the future. The interview process is pretty in depth. Did phone interview with HR, then in person interview with HR where they also had self assessments to complete and a med/treatment recommendation quiz....
  8. marshmallowstar

    Clinic RN / Primary Care?

    Talk about your interest in FNP, why do you want to do that? Those should be similar reasons to transition to clinic. If you're doing it only for the hours, don't. I can tell you that anyone who has come to my clinic and stated that in their top t...
  9. marshmallowstar

    Do your Doctors wear lab coats?

    I work for the largest inpatient psych hospital in Baltimore, no coats.
  10. marshmallowstar

    Spanish resources for psych nursing?

    My understanding is under Title VI if your hospital receives medicaid/medicare funds it is required to provide a translator. My hospital has an interrupter come on site from 8am till 10pm for psych because the interactions are so varied, you can't g...
  11. marshmallowstar

    Code blue on psych floor

    I was on the Code Blue team at my psych hospital, Keystone Kops indeed. For the *most* part our nurses are competent, it's more the residents (and sometimes attending psychiatrists) who want to do ALS when we are only BLS certified and have BLS suppl...
  12. marshmallowstar

    Withdrawal Protocol Question

    Sometimes if patients are well known, you may known they have a history of exaggerating or extending their w/d sx to receive PRNs. For opiates, I don't much mind, we really only do sx relief and clonidine so if they want tylenol or imodium and it's ...
  13. marshmallowstar

    Psych patients being given nurses names?

    I've worked in psych for 15 years, on and off. I've always left my full name on my badge. I've worked inpatient psych at a state prison, escorted sexual assault survivors to court hearings and testified in court against a domestic abuser, where I h...
  14. marshmallowstar

    Crash Cart Training

    We have a med box with basic meds, IM epi and Benadryl since we give allergy injections, sublingual nitro, aspirin, narcan and IM Valium. Only nurses administer meds from med box. O2, again only administered by nurse. We have an emergency box that ha...
  15. marshmallowstar

    Crisis stabilization unit-common medications

    IM Geodon, Ativan are our go to emergency meds. I work on a trauma unit where pt's can become highly escalated with flashbacks or selfharm/SI impulses, but not typical acute psychosis. Our docs choose Geodon because they want to take the edge off so...
  16. marshmallowstar

    Internship on a Trauma Unit

    Yay trauma! It's my passion and position where I've grown the most. Our unit speacilizes in adult survivors of childhood trauma so our most common dx are PTSD and dissociative identity disorder. Of course depression and anxiety go hand and hand with ...
  17. marshmallowstar

    PRN times in psych

    I would talk to your prescriber about writing clearer orders. We sometimes go through this with new residents till we talk with them. Our orders would be written q4 hours not to exceed 3 times a day.
  18. marshmallowstar


    Hi everyone! I just accepted a position in the ED, yay! I'm in the market for a new stethoscope, any recommendations? Thanks!
  19. marshmallowstar


    Thanks everyone for the input. I think I'm going to go for a cardiology III. :)
  20. marshmallowstar

    "hard" restraints?

    Those are what we use for mechanical restraints where I work. Since she's old school she may be thinking of leathers as hard restraints. My understanding is that hard restraints lock with a key and used for behavioral control like the ones you sigh...
  21. marshmallowstar

    Psychiatric Emergency! Fumbling Syringes?

    Be careful with that, benadryl and haldol will participate out, I've seen it happen.
  22. marshmallowstar

    routine at psych unit-morning gathering

    We have a morning goals group. Each pt discusses their goals or assignments they are working on that day, staff provide feedback on techniques that may be helpful or if we see a potential problem with a goal. If safety is a concern (self harming/su...
  23. marshmallowstar

    Psych nurse for 5 mos...need advice

    Policy that states pts must stay in their rooms sounds very close to unwarranted seclusion to me. yikes. Can you speak with your manager that you don't feel comfortable with this and ask her to allow you to apply to another unit? Sometimes mangers ...
  24. marshmallowstar

    Psych Shoes?

    So an age old question: what shoes are the best for nurses? When I worked Peds I loved my Danskos, couldn't have survived the 12 hours on hard tile without them. My current psych unit is carpeted however and I feel like I'm tripping or my traction ...
  25. marshmallowstar

    IM Ativan

    they are for me too and you would be surprised how much it helps them to feel like they can have control over something and in the moment it may only be wiggling their toes. it's something i picked up when i worked peds and it works well with adults...