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All Content by LeesG

  1. A&P 2 Help

    Maybe that's my problem ? I'm trying to look at it ALL....If I can break it down, say just the nose, and all its parts, and then the pharynx, and its parts....maybe It will make more sense????? I feel so ...well....stupid....like I should just GET IT...
  2. A&P 2 Help

    Scooter...THANKS.. My A&P book has Suffix, prefix and roots on the front and back inside cover....My A&P 1 prof never even spoke about them, but I have a friend in A & P 1 now that is being quizzed weekly on them, in addition to normal A&...
  3. Is LPN as great a job as a RN?

    As I read this post I found myself saddened over Patrick1rn 's response. Were I live I see young mothers everyday, receiving welfare benefits and not trying to do anything more than collect their check each month. As a tax payer myself, I have no pro...
  4. Fall 2008 Final Grades! BE PROUD!!

    Sounds like I may be the only C...but I have to say im still proud of it. Was a bus major and changed to nursing. A & P 1 was my first science class since High School !!! ( and thats a LONG time) I had A's in all my Bus classes and was floored...
  5. Anyone get a C in A&P?

    Just got my grade and hour ago....I got a C !!. Considering how much different the material was from Bus classes Im happy and thankful for the grade. I did seem to catch on to how to study for Sciences about 1/2 way through the Semester and did do be...
  6. Anyone get a C in A&P?

    Just got home from my A & P 1 final I am praying for a C...I was a Business major when I decided to go into nursing. Worked for a major bus corp for 10 years !! and quit !!! The travel and the long hours and constantly trying to sell people thin...
  7. How to study for Physiology

    I am right there with you...got a couple 50's myself. For me, I understand the CONCEPT of what I am learning, its all the different new words I can't remember when it comes to test taking. My teacher also tests on critical thinking and I thought I ju...
  8. Blood Bath

    ...I am studying for the next test..
  9. Blood Bath

    That is the only way I can describe the practical tonight in A & P 1 !! It was horrible !!!! I studied EVERYTHING I was told to study...I can tell you where the Sella Tursica is...AND the Hyposeal Fossa that I was TOLD I needed to identify :angr...
  10. Blood Bath

    thanks SunRay..but honestly....I really think I FAILED !!!! There was NO multiple choice at all, so thinking I had a 25 % chance of having the right answer is out of the question ! It was all fill in the blanks ! I studied the handout SO hard !!...m...
  11. Learning tissues, HELP!!

    The test I took last week focused on where they were.. and based on how I remebered them ( with my trick hints for myself) I was able to place them on the test, however we have a lab in 2 weeks where we are going to have to identify them with a micro...
  12. Learning tissues, HELP!!

    Hi, Im new, but I am in A & P 1 right now. I also have been struggling, but as far as the tissues go I tried to find funny things to help me remember them. For example : Simple Squamous, if you turn the q around it is a g , g g g lungs !! , t...