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All Content by LeesG

  1. Pre Nursing with Kids along for the ride??

    Sorry ha ha ha to the OP before I went off on my rant, you had a question, If I only had the 7 year old, or if he was younger, I would study throught the day when he was playing, kinda like 15-20 minute power studies ( trying to nail down say 1 con...
  2. Pre Nursing with Kids along for the ride??

    I have 3 children ages 7,16 1nd 19 !! Believe it or not the TEENAGERS are more of a problem !!! they say they understand but they seem to always need something that stops me from studying. Its always silly things...Mom I need a ride, Mom I need a bo...
  3. WOW...thanks so much for the advice and encouragment. I know Im not the first nervous Nursing Student, and I wont be the last either !! I do have incredible support at home. I have a wonderful boyfriend who wants me to succeed, even if that means he...
  4. Thanks yesdog... Yes fear is motivating, Ill give you that, but now Im PETRIFIED !!! Thanks for the words of encouragement
  5. Nursing School and Chain Smoking ;-/

    Wish I could help, I'm struggling with it as well. I quit for 5 days and then fell like a boulder !! 2 days later I tried again and lasted 2 days...but it seemed to consume All OF MY THOUGHTS ! I had a thread here where I was logging how I was feelin...
  6. I mean SMOKING !!!!!!!!!!! I know this has nothing to do with Nursing School for most people...but for me it does. 1.I start NS in August...will be working less So I wont be able to afford smoking. 2.I will be in Clinicals...not really a place to s...
  7. Thats IT !!! Im Sick of it !!!!

    WOW...3 days and counting. I had a good day since I was at work, busy and had no chance to smoke anyway. Right after work wasnt easy, so I pulled into the mall to waste some time and got a hair cut that I desperatly needed but never seemed to have t...
  8. Thats IT !!! Im Sick of it !!!!

    LONG DAY !!! Thank Goodness I work tomorrow and will more to think about than this ! Took patch off an hour ago....Did well, didnt smoke at all since yesterday at 11 AM,but feel a little ODD,not sure why,a little proud of myself..a little sad...and j...
  9. Thats IT !!! Im Sick of it !!!!

    WHEW !!! Hanging in there by a string...but still no smoking, it has consumed MANY of my thoughts today though. I did schedule clinicals today, recieved my 2nd choice and only have to travel about 15 miles, in addition child care should be an issue ...
  10. Thats IT !!! Im Sick of it !!!!

    MORNING.... Question for ANYONE ??????? I had a TERRIBLY fitful night....tossed turned and really weird dreams...I dont really remember them ..it just woke me up ALOT, a few times I recall feeling frightened. The instructions for my patches does not ...
  11. Thats IT !!! Im Sick of it !!!!

    AAAAHHHHHH !!! Its the middle of the night and I keep waking up...my throat hurts and my mouth is dry.... WOW...what a slap in the face...lolololol...im a junky !! So I have read GREAT advise, and I am trying to see myself on the other side. I re...
  12. Thats IT !!! Im Sick of it !!!!

    OK OK OK OK SO.....the physical cravings arent TOO terrible,(THEY ARE THERE THOUGH !!! ) since I do have a patch on...but I swear its like I dont know what to do with myself !! I was kinda walking around...doing nothing, subconsiouly moving from pla...
  13. Thats IT !!! Im Sick of it !!!!

    Thanks for the encouragment and all the web sites....they will sure be useful. I get to go to school tomorrow and schedule my classes and clinical sites for August, not smelling like an ashtray when I finally meet the Nursing School Coordinator is a...
  14. Thats IT !!! Im Sick of it !!!!

    Thanks Everyone. I have smoked for 26 years...also started at 14, I also have had a few times I quit, but always seemed to go back to it. I think Im just ready to stop. I sent my post this morning, went outside and had 1 cigarette, put it out half ...
  15. Should I miss clinicals for...

    I dont start NS till August, but I already have read the sylabuss and we are only aloud 7 hours of missed clinicals...thats equal to 1 day...thats it ! No questions asked, no excuses, no " My car wouldnt start :cry:" " BUT MY CHILD WAS SICK !!! " NO...
  16. Inexperienced at Online Classes

    On a diffrerent note...I have also taken online classes and love them as well....but if you are a procratinator (like me) it is VERY easy to put off the work until the last minute. When I first started taking online courses I thought I had it in the ...
  17. Ok I am trying to keep tabs, all starting this fall say I

    August 24th Here.....Nervous, Excited...and a ton of other emotions that Im sure in time I will be able to identify...still a little shell shocked
  18. why is this happening?

    In addition to the recorder...which has helped me as well, I found, for me...that drawing things, ESPECIALLY in A & P really helped. I got a bunch of poster board and markers and drew alot of the things I didnt understand Ex: I struggled with t...
  19. WOW !

    I have read numerous posts about getting accepted to Nursing School...and have almost been able to feel the excitment from the posters about their accomplisments...I wondered what I would feel like if and when it happened to me... Nothing could have ...
  20. WOW !

    Thanks Everyone !!!!!!!!!!
  21. WOW !

    My CC doesnt have additional testing over and above the pre reqs. You have to have completed minumally A&P 1 with a C or better, maintain above a 2.5 GPA and have your application time stamped. When they pick the incoming class they look at ap...

    Again...check with your school, but for me, for the last two years, the prior year of that summer is what the FAFSA applies too. My school said that the current years FAFSA ex: 2009-2010 will start applying in the fall semester. So the FAFSA for 2008...
  23. For you A&P students!

    I despise the Respiratory system !!! I have a test in a week and feel like I read and read to no avail...I get the concept...but as always I struggle to remember all the new words. I loved the heart :redpinkhe and seemed to GET IT rather quickly...ev...
  24. background check/dug screening

    My school required a urine test for drugs AND ethanol. The school said it was the first year they required Ethanol testing . I found it strange that as an adult I couldnt have a glass of wine but I didn't take any chances and didn't have any alcohol ...
  25. A&P 2 Help

    I am taking A&P 2, and although I find it MUCH more interesting than A&P 1 I find myself with the same problem...HOW TO REMEMBER ALL THE NEW WORDS !!! I understand the concept, and I could explain it back if asked on a test in a general way, ...