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  1. All current/former nursing students...

    1) Enjoy the summer. - It's your last fun until next summer. 2) Leave your books @ home. Take a notebook and pen the first day. 3) Use the powerpoint handouts to write your notes on. 4) Relax &...
  2. just got my call...

    concernedmomof3, If your orientation is scheduled during your cruise, have the family send you a post card. Expect NO COMPASSION from the nursing instructors. They will tell you to "go talk to the...
  3. Has anyone ever had to repeat a class during NS?

    Some of the best RNs I know failed a
  4. Thinking of moving to Providence,.........

    Over 10% unemployment rate in little ol' Rhody. Make sure you have a job in hand first. St. Joseph's Hospital Providence & Fatima...layoffs and pay cuts in local newspaper (projo.com) and my...
  5. The North American Lookey-Loo

    Is there a hunting season for the Lookey-Loo? If so, is there a limit? Just males? Just females? both? weight/height limits? Are there different seasons? Bow, Shotgun, rifle, muzzle loader? Anyone...
  6. How did you balance your school & work life?

    I worked full time, school full time, found out I was diabetic and then my parents decided to get divorced. I met my future wife and was able to hold that relationship together while in school as...
  7. Either Give Me A Lunch Break Or Pay Me!!

    It's illegal. Get a lawyer. A good
  8. Maybe this will get some answers

    I would not bother with the CCRI program. Not b/c it is a bad program (I graduated in '05), but perhaps you could put your time & efforts into another program. The college is a state run...
  9. Want to try something new

    You must make a complete pain in the ass of yourself to the nurse recruiters. I tried for a few months and did not hear anything back. Then I got persistent and kept calling every day. Kent County...
  10. Waiting List Closed??

    I had heard the other day that CCRI has "closed" it's waiting list to new people. I had heard the same about Rhode Island College. From what I've read, there seem to be quite a few students from...
  11. If you feel that you need to remove all of the clothes and you are the medic running the call then remove them all. If removing the pt's tightie-whities is the only problem that I would have had with...
  12. New Graduate ER Nurse

    Go for it. I start hospital orientation next Monday for my new ED RN per- diem job. I have 14 years as a Paramedic and I am nervous about my new job, I feel confident in my assessment abilities....
  13. Hair style

    I am a 6 ft 4 in tall, 270 lb., bald, fu man chu wearing RN. As long a you give safe, quality care, who cares what you look like? If they sign my check, they can tell me to grow hair and shave my...